作曲 : Subhumans There's war in the headlines, war in the heads Of the leaders who feed us til we're overfed We're not hungry anymore for your diet of war Malnutrition for the global poor The people stood in breadlines Are still paying for the landmines Are being cursed for nothing worse Than living on the pipeline One war ends and the next one starts The oil pipe dream leading straight to the heart Of capitalism and market chains That supply the demand to feel less pain But the pacification is wearing thin Global domination has its cost When culture's lost then no one wins Its no surprise when the bombs go off -This year's war- The war against terror like the war on crime Is a war on anyone, anytime The invisible enemy could be you Now we live in a state of total strangers Fear controls til' its who trusts who? Everyone scared of their next door neighbors -This year's war- The war against terror like the war on crime Is a war on anyone, anytime People turn to terror when all else fails The prisons aren't full of rich white males We're more than scared of the men at the top We're talking to each other and we're pissed off! Pissed off with the thought its out of our hands That innocent people in far-off lands Will die for the greed or revenge of the few Who say 'we have no choice in what we must do' The empty reasons about defending Freedoms' are just never-ending Strings of bluff to justify Complete control over peoples lives Or at least the global oil supply And re-election as the polls roll by And a place in history when you die -This year's war-