Thunder roars, lightning strikes A clash of steele shakes the grounde Warcries, hordes collide The raging battle, a mighty and glorious sounde Deatheblows, fatal defiance Free our clans form the siege Fighte for the stronge alliance Defende the ancient belife Rise, stande the tyranny, pledge allegiance to this war ...beware the returne of our gods In the signe of the warlorde we will ride Delivering the faithe in honoure and pride Hail to Odin, the farher of gods Glory to thee, in the signe of the warlorde Eyes of wrathe, heartes of vengeance Descendants of the forefather's age Marche for deliverance Assailing withe furios rage [Bridge] [Chorus] [Solo: Lars/Scott/both/both/both] In the signe of the warlorde we will ride Delivering the faithe in honoure and pride Hail to Odin, the farher of gods Glory to thee, in the signe of the warlorde