(枝叶为撩动它们的风舞蹈) (之后又归于沉寂装作无事发生) (我听到叶子的沙沙声这是它们对树枝爱电脑呼唤) (天啊你们能别假装那啥吗) (通过橘色的器官还伴着和声) (它叫它素食者,它叫它贞德) (我真想在水里下毒毒死这树) (妈呀转瞬间我就成为了魔鬼撒旦) (一个毁灭了它们的恶棍) (透过爱浪翻腾的海面) (我看到我的命运就像失去航向的小船一般) (我现在宁愿成为一个恶魔,向它们吐着毒液,让它们的心麻木失去知觉) (因为愚蠢的人类总是被感情所牵绊) (我发现一个小丑坐在喷泉旁胡言乱语逗乐路人) (他脑子是坏了) (你怎么了) (像孩子一样不懂得去珍惜失去了所爱之人) (我以前听说时间像绳索一般) (这绳索的蜿蜒就像时间在流动一样) (想象一下时间就像织线一样,纠缠环绕再解开,最后再次连接) (时间安排我们相遇又最终让我们分离) (我才不信这就是我们最后的结局) (主啊,在我做蠢梦的时候我何时才能织我的时间线) (这一切都是我的幻想) (她是我的爱人,把头靠在我的肩膀上) (我们是彼此的一部分我为她带上了戒指) (我们像疯子一般爱着对方) (我还是闭嘴吧,白日做梦呢,我真是个彻头彻尾的傻子) (我渐渐明白当时我应该再争取一下) (或许我们之间就不会那么糟糕) (我真希望她离开的那天我能劝她留下) (天啊,给个薄面,让我回到上一个五月吧) (我还有好多话没来得及说呢) [00:00.000] 作曲 : 赵若帆 [00:01.000] 作词 : 乐欢 [00:12.07]编曲:赵若帆 [00:14.88]作词:乐欢 [00:22.64]dancing are the leaves and twigs in the wind that stirs them, [00:25.87]after which they stay still just like nothing happened [00:28.57]I heard the rustle of the leaves they were calling the twigs as their Darling [00:32.07]**** I hate em could you stop pretending orgasm [00:34.96] with Ornament through you orange organ [00:37.64]She call him Vegan he call her Virgin [00:40.67]Damn it I really wanna poison the water then i can kill them [00:43.48]**** I turned into Satan in a second [00:45.92]a villian who truly ****ed them [00:47.49]Through the waves of love foamed by the ocean [00:49.27] I saw my fate like a rudderless boat floating in the wrong direction [00:52.50]Now I d rather be a demon spitting venom in their heart there is no feeling or movement [00:56.71]cuz ******g human can't deal with emotion [00:58.77]I found a clown sitting in a fountain speaking nonsense [01:01.85]kept the crowd rolling about [01:03.43] His mind is broken [01:04.60]Hey what's your problem [01:05.46] lose your women like children dont know the way to treasure [01:30.00]Once I've been told time's like a cord [01:32.79]The cord represents the flow of time itself [01:35.99]imagine that Time's like a thread it twist ,tangle,unravel in the end connect again [01:41.58]That's time made us meet Then force me to leave her eventually [01:44.76]I don't believe this ******g **** would be our destiny [01:47.63]lord,When it's my turn to knit my time [01:49.73]as I am weaving my silly dream it was all my fantasy [01:52.59]that I can call her my lover got her head on my shoulder [01:55.34]I put the ring on her finger cuz I'm part of her [01:57.71]Me and her were in love with each other like maniac [02:00.32]Shut the **** up What a day dreamer I'm totally nuts [02:03.88]Now I come to know I shoulda tried harder [02:05.97]Maybe the **** between us woulda been better off [02:08.47]I Wish I coulda persuade her to stay the day she went away [02:11.53]For **** sake God please make the clock turned back to last May [02:14.79] Cuz I got something to say