Like dust in the wind A man's heart goes unseen His labors forgotten at the threshold of time The grass withers, the flowers fades But the word of his testimony stands forever The man's honor was his love Faithfullness - his pledge But his memory - a pearl to the swine One man walked tall Faced the devil with his back against the wall To the ground, the blood ran off his fingers Scorched from fire in his bones Yet today, his last thought lingers Around his neck, against his heart He wore a silver cross - He knew what freedom cost His voice only an echo in the wind Freed those golden shackles A child of time no more A mirror of the crimson thorn That the man of sorrow wore He gave unselfishly << Loved not his life so much As to shrink from death>> The devil stole his life, love But not the hope of his soul If he'd only died in her arms His dream would have been complete Yet can such love dwell in a man If God is his witness, I know it can Would you plant the seed Of that martyr's last creed Proclaim God's gospel Raise your head, heed his hope Did You stand by the week Whom the angels serve Will you dare to hold A martyrs hand And guide the unseen host Who with him stand Will you share that vision at death's door Stand proud by his side To serve the Lord