作曲 : Tyler Bancroft 作词 : Tyler Bancroft Kevin wants to hear a pop song Wants to dance with the girls from the restroom Kevin wants to move sideways, wants to move backwards Kevin wants to move Kevin wants to stand beside me, Choose the next record, put on a 70's tune Kevin wants to talk to everyone Talk to everyone that he knows in the room I wanna be un-American I wanna cry at a love song I wanna be un-American I wanna cry at a love song I wanna be un-American I wanna write you a love song I wanna be un-American And I wanna get all the words wrong Kevin wants to hear a sad song, Wants to stay home on a Friday, Saturday Kevin wants to move to London, wants to see Paris Kevin wants to move Kevin wants to stand alone at a subway station, Watch all the trains go through Kevin wants to skip the next song, skip the next song And skip the next song too I wanna be un-American I wanna write you a love song I wanna be un-American And I wanna get all the words wrong I wanna be un-American I wanna write you a love song I wanna be un-American And I wanna get all the words wrong Kevin wants to hear a talk show, Wants to keep up with the girls from the restroom Now he wants to move slowly, wants to move with you Kevin wants to move Now he wants to stand beside you, choose to say "I do" Put on a 70’s tune Kevin wants to dance with everyone, Dance with everyone that he loves in the room I wanna be un-American I wanna write you a love song I wanna be un-American And I wanna get all the words wrong I wanna be un-American I wanna write you a love song I wanna be un-American And I wanna get all the words wrong