Good evening one and all we're all so glad to see you here We'll play your favorite songs while you all soak up the atmosphere We'll start with over river, then maybe stormy weather, too I'm sure you know just what to do On with the show good health to you 晚上好各位 非常荣幸在这里见到你们 我们将放一些你们喜爱的歌曲 愿你们融入其中 我们将从河流开始 接下来或许会是狂风暴雨 我确信你们知道在做什么 愿这场表演对你们的健康有助 Please pour another glass it time to watch the cabaret Your wife will never know that you're not really working late Your hostess here is Wendy, you'll find her very friendly, too And we don't care just what you do On with the show good health to you 请大家在饮一杯 欣赏一些助兴表演 你们的妻子一定不知道你们没有加班 这里的女主人名叫温蒂 你们将发现她非常友善 我们不会在乎你们做什么 这场表演对你的健康有好处 Petina, start the show at 2 o'clock 佩蒂娜 演出在两点开始 Oh if by chance you find that you can't make it anymore We'll put you in a cab and get you safely to the door But we've got all the answers, and we've got lovely dancers, too There's nothing else you have to do On with the show good health to you 如果你偶尔发现你已不能再继续下去 没关系我们将叫车把你安全的送到家门口 但即使那样我们已享受了全部 包括那可爱的舞伴 再没有什么值得担心的了 让这场表演对你的健康有助 You're all such lovely people dancing, eating round the floor But if you have to fight, please take your trouble out the door For now I say with sorrow, until this time tomorrow We'll bid you all a find adieu On with the show good health to you 你们都是如此可爱的一群人 在这里玩玩闹闹 但如果想打斗 就请你们把你们的麻烦带走 现在我很遗憾的说 这场聚会要在明天结束 我们将与你们一一告别 愿这场演出对你的健康有助