Darkness at the break of noon 午间也有黑暗 Shadows even the silver spoon 银勺也有阴影 The handmade blade, the child’s balloon 手制兵刃与孩童气球 Eclipses both the sun and moon 日食月食同时进行 To understand you know too soon 你明白的太早了 There is no sense in trying 尝试了无意义 Pointed threats they bluff with scorn 他们虚张声势与轻蔑地威胁 Suicide remarks are torn 自杀言论被撕碎 From the fool’s gold mouthpiece the hollow horn 傻瓜的黄金喉舌是空号角 Plays wasted words proves to warn 说着无用的言论以证明价值 That he not busy being born is busy dying 不是忙于生存的人-你们这是自寻死路 Temptation page flies out the door 诱惑之页飞出门 You follow, find yourself at war 你跟随其后 却发觉自己身处战场 Watch waterfalls of pity roar 静观瀑布的轰鸣声 You feel to moan but unlike before 你想哀嚎却与以往不同 You discover that you just be one more 你发现你仅是又一个哭泣者 Person crying So dont you fear if you hear 听到了不要怕 A foreign sound to your ear 外界声音入耳 It’s alright, Ma I’m only sighing 妈 没事 我只是在叹气 As some warn victory, some downfall 有人胜利有人落败 Private reasons great or small 源于自私的理由,或大或小 Can be seen in the eyes of those that call 这些都被呼唤的人们看在眼里 To make all that should be killed to crawl 为了使所有罪已致死的人落入法网 While others say don’t hate nothing at all 他人说不恨任何事 Except hatred 除了仇恨本身 Disillusioned words like bullets bark 幻灭的话像子弹轰鸣 As human gods aim for their mark 人神瞄准了印记 Make everything from toy guns that spark 制造万物 从火花玩具枪 To flesh-colored Christs that glow in the dark 到肉色的暗中发光基督像 It’s easy to see without looking too far 无须眺望就可知 That not much is really sacred 没什么神圣不可侵犯 While preachers preach of evil fates 牧师讲邪恶的命运 Teachers teach that knowledge weights 教师讲知识之力 Can lead to hundred-dollar plates 可以引至百元之盘 Goodness hides behind its gates 女神藏于其门后 But even the president of the United States 就算美国总统 Sometimes must have to stand naked 有时也会一丝不挂 Although the rules of the road have been lodged 路上规则已被设置 It’s only people’s games that you got to dodge 但这仅是人们的游戏 别理他 And it’s alright, Ma I can make it 妈 没事 我只是做不到 Advertising signs they con 广告天地 You into thinking you’re the one 你认为你已进入其中 That can do what’s never been done 做前人未做之事 That can win what’s never been won 赢前人未赢之名 Meantime life outside goes on 此时在你周身 All around you 生命继续 You lose yourself, you reappear 你迷途又返 You suddenly find you got nothing to fear 你无所畏惧 Alone you stand with nobody near 你孑然独立 身无旁人 When a trembling distant voice, unclear 远处颤抖不明的声音传来 Startles your sleeping ears to hear 从睡眠中惊醒 你侧耳倾听 That somebody thinks they really found you 有人认为他们真的找到了你 A question in your nerves is lit 你神经中问题已点燃 Yet you know there is no answer fit 你尚不知有合适答案 To satisfy, insure you not to quit 答案使你满足不退却 To keep it in your mind and not forget 答案使你牢记不忘却 That it is not he or she or them or it 你不属于任何 That you belong to 他她它TA Although the masters make the rules 尽管大师为聪明人与傻瓜 For the wise men and the fools 制定了规则 I got nothing, Ma, to live up to 妈 我却无以为生 For them that must obey authority 对他们来说,必须遵从权威 That they do not respect in any degree 他们却不尊重任何阶层 Who despise their jobs, their destinies 无论职业与生涯 Speak jealously of them that are free 满怀妒意地说我们有自由 Cultivate their flowers to be 培育其鲜花萌芽 Nothing more than something they invest in 没什么比其更有潜力 While some on principles baptized 有人被规则洗礼 To strict party platform ties 被严格党纲束缚 Social clubs in drag disguise 在社会俱乐部中被牵制 Outsiders they can freely criticize 出来了 他们可以随便批评 Tell nothing except who to idolize 但他们谁也不指责 除了拜偶像者 And then say God bless him 也只是说 上帝保佑 While one who sings with his tongue on fire 有人喉咙着火似地唱歌 Gargles in the rat race choir 像老鼠喝了漱口水的合唱班 Bent out of shape from society’s pliers 社会之钳将人扭曲 Cares not to come up any higher 关爱也无济于事 But rather get you down in the hole 先是你死 That he’s in 也比他亡好 But I mean no harm nor put fault 我不是将中伤或指责 On anyone that lives in a vault 施放在套中人身上 But it’s alright, Ma, if I can’t please him 没事 妈 我只是取悦不了他们 Old lady judges watch people in pairs 老太太观情侣 Limited in sex, they dare “性别有别 他们不敢” To push fake morals, insult and stare 推动假道德,侮辱和凝视 While money doesn’t talk, it swears 钱从不说话 仅是诅咒 Obscenity, who really cares 淫秽 谁在乎 Propaganda, all is phony 宣传 是假的 While them that defend what they cannot see 他们捍卫着看不见的东西 With a killer’s pride security 为了杀手的荣耀与安全 It blows the minds most bitterly 这强烈地震撼着他们的头脑 For them that think death’s honesty 因为他们认为仅有死亡是真实的 Won't fall upon them naturally 这自然降临不到他们头上 Life sometimes must get lonely 生命有时终将孤独 My eyes collide head-on with stuffed 头部碰撞与-填充我的眼睛 Graveyards, false gods, I scuff 我被墓地与假神挫伤 At pettiness which plays so rough 事情虽小 却如此粗糙 Walk upside-down inside handcuffs 我倒立而行 却带着镣铐 Kick my legs to crash it off 将我腿踢到 Say okay I have had enough, what else can you show me? 我叫道 受够了 还有什么招使出来吧 And if my thought-dreams could be seen 若我的梦想 人人可见 They’d probably put my head in a guillotine 我一定被送上断头台 But it’s alright, Ma, it’s life, and life only 但是没事 妈 这就是生活