[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [00:47.01]Passetyme with gude companye,Pastime with good company, [00:51.65]I love, and shall until I dye.I love, and shall until I die. [00:56.03]Gruch who wyll, but none deny,Grudge who will, but none deny, [00:58.86]So God be pleeyd, thus lyfe wyll I.So God be pleased, thus live will I. [01:03.44]For my pastaunce:For my pastance: [01:05.20]Hunt, syng, and daunce,Hunt, sing, and dance, [01:07.32]My hert ys sett!My heart is set! [01:09.49]All gudely sport,All goodly sport, [01:11.41]Fore my comfort,For my comfort, [01:13.38]Who shall me lett?Who shall me let? [01:19.49]Youth wyll have nedes dalyaunce,Youth must have some dalliance, [01:22.79]Of gude or yll some pastaunce,Of good or ill some pastance. [01:26.76]Companye me thynketh them best,Company me thinks them best, [01:29.73]All thouts and fansyes to dygest.All thoughts and fancies to digest. [01:34.06]For ydleness,For idleness, [01:35.89]Ys chef mastresIs chief mistress [01:37.96]Of vyces all:Of vices all: [01:40.08]Than who can say,Then who can say, [01:42.40]But myrth and playBut mirth and play, [01:44.06]Ys best of all?Is best of all? [02:18.91]Companye with honeste,Company with honesty, [02:23.98]Ys vertu, vyce to flee.Is virtue, vice to flee. [02:28.93]Companye ys gude or yll,Company is good and ill, [02:31.66]But ev'ry man hath hys frewylle.But every man has his free will. [02:36.05]The best ensyue,The best ensue, [02:37.82]The worst eschew,The worst eschew, [02:39.84]My mynd shall be:My mind shall be: [02:42.01]Vertue to use,Virtue to use, [02:43.99]Vyce to refuse,Vice to refuse, [02:46.11]Thus shall I use me!Thus shall I use me!