Doctor can you take these bones and put them back in place? I need my arms so I can embrace the ones I need. All your future driven plans and dreams have fallen apart. My God! We're slowly drifting away. The child in the park is weeping when the rain has fallen on his castle in the…. With intentions of gold, but actions that never seem to measure up. I'm willing to construct this castle, and try and try until I get this right. The ink… it hasn't dried there's time to make new plans. Anxieties have had there place…It's in your hands. The child in the park is weeping when the rain has fallen on his castle in the sand. My heart is that child, he asks \"Where did the burning light in the sky go?! Oh no! Mud surrounds us now. It surrounds us. When he grows old he will think of all the sunny afternoons and occasional stormy nights.