作曲 : 无 作词 : 无 Élan - Nightwish Leave the sleep and let the springtime talk   自梦中醒来 In tongues from the time before men   让春天以时不待人的口吻细诉 Listen to a daffodil tell her tale   听水仙讲述自己的故事 Let the guest in, walk out   让宾友前来 Be the first to greet the morn   出去迎接破晓 The meadows of heaven await harvest   伊甸草原静候丰收 The cliffs unjumped, cold waters untouched   山崖未被跨越 幽泉未被扰动 The elsewhere creatures yet unseen   异兽未被发现 Finally you number came up   最终人齐 Free fall awaits the brave.   驰骋尚待勇气 Come, taste the wine, race the blind   品尝美酒摒弃借口 They will guide you from the light   光明中会有指引 Writing noughts till the end of time   直至时间停滞笔耕方息 Come, surf the clouds, race the dark   乘云驰骋冲开黑暗 It feeds from the runs undone   未完的路途正是动力之源 Meet me where the cliff greets the sea   与我约见于天涯海角 The answer to the riddle before your eyes   你眼前的谜底就在落叶中 Is in dead leaves and fleeting skies   就在稍纵即逝的天空里 Returning swans and sedulous mice   归巢的天鹅、勤快的老鼠也了然于心 Writing on the garden's book,   花园书上的数行字 in the minute of a lover's look   犹如情人刹那一瞥 Building a sandcastle close to the shore   在岸边建造砂砾城堡 A house of cards from a worn out deck   旧甲板上的纸牌屋 A home from a fellowship, poise and calm   老朋友的家宁静温馨 Write a lyric for the song   写一首歌 Only you can understand   只有你才会明白 Come, taste the wine, race the blind   品尝美酒摒弃借口 They will guide you from the light   光明中会有指引 Writing noughts till the end of time   直至时间停滞笔耕方息 Come, surf the clouds, race the dark   乘云驰骋冲开黑暗 It feeds from the runs undone   未完的路途正是动力之源 Meet me where the cliff greets the sea   与我约见于天涯海角 Riding hard every shooting star   奋力乘着流星 Come to life, open mind, have a laugh at the orthodox   放开心情投入生活笑别循规蹈矩 Come drink deep, let the dam of mind seep   来饮尽杯中酒让思想的禁锢决堤 Travel with great élan, dance a jig at the funeral   全凭巨大的锐气遨游以吉格舞在葬礼中作追思 Come, taste the wine, race the blind   品尝美酒摒弃借口 They will guide you from the light   光明中会有指引 Writing noughts till the end of time   直至时间停滞笔耕方息 Come, surf the clouds, race the dark   乘云驰骋冲开黑暗 It feeds from the runs undone   未完的路途正是动力之源 Meet me where cliff greets the sea.   与我约见于天涯海角 Come!   来吧!