[02:16.552 ]And all thy weeping words will flee from thee [01:37.077]In the day, in the night [01:40.450]To all, to each thy sadness [01:43.883]For thy words, for thy pain [01:47.296]Shall speak for all time [01:50.910]For snakes of silver throat lie in wait for thee [01:57.260]As I sing a death hushed dirge of suffering, shining gray [02:03.043]On dew kissed mourning grounds I burn the candles black [02:09.327]For the sun shall rise and light this poppied field [02:22.076]For all the sorrow I have known, Shall bleed in silence [02:27.641]And as she sways thee softly in time [02:32.771]I see that I am nothing, but broken shards of emptiness [02:39.781]All I've known, All I've touched [02:42.323]Shall wither in her raven arms [02:45.673]All I've known, All I've loved [02:47.982]Shall perish in the embrace [02:51.099]Yet know I'm dying, dying, dying for....thee [02:58.642]For life is tragedy in remembrance