作曲 : Phillips A million miles from everything the emptiness is everywhere The lone and level sands stretch as far as I can see Nothing but the hollowed eyes of skulls and ancient bones despair Remains of those who wandered this wasteland vast before me Fatigue and famine render every step a tribulation Beneath the blistering sun sabulous winds just a mockery Lost within an infinity of dust and desolation The vultures circling overhead await my lonely expiry Maintaining this course to nowhere I have traveled so far Far beyond the valley's carnage and death's silent repose Compelled to journey onward by the calling of the morning star Haunted by visions and voices, memories or madness providence only knows I can't remember when or how I'd first lost my way Thirsting even a tear of solace knowing naught will ever come Siren celestial have mercy on me allow my flesh into dust decay And carry my soul far beyond this damned and forsaken kingdom I fell to my knees as the last trace of strength slowly faded away With stone in throat I knew I'd never reach the hallowed and promised land I conceded my carcass a vulture's feast, my soul eternal umbrae Once a king, now nameless, forgotten, swallowed by the seas of sand