Sitting at home inside yourself Thinking it's cool to be so reserved And it's kinda funny Lying in bed that night, wasting time, wasting time and I know how that is, want to know how that is How do these days go by, why does time move so slow When are my decisions made Make a new plan that you're gonna be strong Eat a bit of lunch and the moment's gone, But not quite forgotten. When you alone at night, reflecting time, reflecting time. And I know where that leads, want to know where that leads. How do these days go by, why does time move so slow When are my decisions made When that day comes, you're sure you're gonna know You're like some shy dog looking for the nerve, looking for the nerve to bite. Start to react, too smart to miss You're coming just til you resent It's turning into a problem Lying awake at night, just wasting time, wasting time And I know where that leads, do you want to know where that leads. How do these days go by, why does time move so slow How do these days go by, why does time move so slow When are my decisions made, I'll never know, I'll wonder.