作曲 : 关仁Side-Effect 作词 : luoyi/关仁Side-Effect 编曲:Chill Smooth G Verse1: 关仁 当你发现 明天的光不够明亮 吹一吹雾霾 不用在意形象 然后踢开绊脚石 你说对么我的瓷 幻想加州的阳光 坐着lowrider奔驰 我左手拿着麦克风右手拿着iPhone Girl come here take a look at my bedroom 香草味的咖啡 还是浓郁的香槟 即使太阳落下还有美丽的北斗七星 轻轻拍掉了 肩膀上的灰尘 得意洋洋一笑 推开伊甸园的门 踏上了通往新世界的立交桥 念念不忘的理想让我乐逍遥 Now make your move before it’s too late 偶尔过度喧嚣 令人难以入睡 这忽远忽近的感觉循序渐进 What u up to babe?来加个微信 Hook: Chilling in da late night with some good wine Champing & Hennessey telling u its all fine U see what I see, feel how I feel 1 sip 2 sip and now you feeling chill Chilling in da late night with some good wine Champing & Hennessey telling u its all fine U see what I see, feel how I feel 1 sip 2 sip and now you feeling chill Verse2: Luoyi Welcome to the BJC来看看我的家 每天在穿插着的想法之中长大 chilling from the west coast 来自西边 尽管这没有夕阳只剩下雾霾的天 时刻都要放松但不是放纵 在放空的大脑中寻找着答案 又写了一段但还是如此迷乱 在习惯的生活中开始变得迷幻 我们都一样 每天都走在街上 熟悉的节奏在每天不断播放 Cruising down the hood with my own crew Finally found out what I’m gonna do 不是gangsta 没有什么feibang 不愿有任何伪装才选择了说唱 Listen to this kinda music make u feel so **** Then let me take u back to the 90s west coast Hook: Chilling in da late night with some good wine Champing & Hennessey telling u its all fine U see what I see,feel how I feel 1 sip 2 sip and now you feeling chill Chilling in da late night with some good wine Champing & Hennessey telling u its all fine U see what I see, feel how I feel 1 sip 2 sip and now you feeling chill