作曲 : 浅泣 作词 : Byrer Xinged 演唱:Byrer Xinged 用笔几页书信潦草记录完了心情 清晨的阳光把你从沉梦中唤醒 但未曾有一缕光线通透直达心底 双手合十并紧 摊开手心把整个天空当作背景 追随的背影 把每次眼神相对当作幸运 把一起的时间串连成线 画成圆圈被剪散断作碎片 拾起碎念 十七那年 失去难免 失眠夜里 思绪缠绵 无言强忍咽于喉中的禁忌之语 有缘待来年泛黄尘封相册中开启 不觉哑然失笑 仰望天际 只为遮掩双眼汪润放任泪盈面以泪洗 月色映下樱花飘零清风拂面唤起回忆 或是不知所措自伤懦弱 抑或安然会意 若能会心一笑 便三生有幸 水滴落入湖中溅起的连波 像指间沙一样悄悄地流走 握不住时间的我们 却被赋予双手 Telling the story Just through this song For u for me for us Ever have somebody really live in your head And you get fainted every time you see her name When you meet her again but you choking and you forget the things you planned to claim Try a leftover gum and tell me how it taste Tryna find ur fere but there’s only waste Gonna find a way to get rid of this lonely fate Close that gate Act like naked Walk out of shade They gon be saying this is goddamn crazy But it may be the only way to find ur mate Cause human nature fake and you get operated Cannot get asleep go take another pill Let me tell you Forbidden fruit is puckery as lemon juice Sometimes even if it bloom it doesn’t fruit Cause ain’t nobody have a clue about future it came so cruel It’s such a pity That you gonna end up being in the different city Nothing you can do but give it up afraid of getting tripped How the destiny is? I guess I shall just keep it as a secret See how the spark flies but can’t never reach it 花信風は知ってる 花が咲いたときに香りが漂う風だ それだ 君は喜んで香りに乗って追いかけた 到着時 その花はあそこにある でもあの風はもう消えた 初めて花の香りに驚いたことも消えた だが一度も後悔したことはない そうだろう 水滴落入湖中溅起的连波 像指间沙一样悄悄地流走 握不住时间的我们 却被赋予双手 Telling the story Just through this song For u for me for us 水滴落入湖中溅起的连波 像指间沙一样悄悄地流走 握不住时间的我们 却被赋予双手 Telling the story Just through this song For u for me for us