依旧记得相见的日子 I remember the day we met 仿佛从夕阳中走来 You just came like with the sunset 穿着一身颜色跟她眼睛一样的蓝裙 Her dress was sky-blue, the color of her eyes 这得看命运裁决 我别无选择 It’s all by the destiny , I got no choice 我应该表达这般爱意 或许不赖 You should tell her you love her you should tell her maybe it’s cool Oh~~这般美丽无人能及 Oh ~~ what a beauty eh~~ 悲伤穿梭在那段时间 Through the time turely blue always by my side 一身黑裙 无数次浮现在眼前 You black dress hit my mind 无时不刻想象与你相拥缠绵 Dream about that you huge me everytime 是你让我麻木 Girl you make me so numb 想成为你的主旋律 但不应如此急促 Hope to be your loop Damn I got to slow 想到我们共曾度过的瞬间 Thinking about the time we have 不过只是回忆 We just have the memory then 雨滴 纷纷落在屋顶 Rain , drop to rhe floor 要向烟火一样闪烁 Flame , I gotta glow 从不会表达痛楚 Pain , I will not show 何谓爱 我无从知晓 What is love I don’t wanna know so... Oh~~这般美丽无人能及 Oh~~ what a beauty