(现在你这家伙终于捡起丢掉的魂) cheer (你可以感受到你周围人的情绪,不想像那样哭或平凡的死去) [00:00.000] 作曲 : Otokaze [00:01.000] 作词 : Crow D_乌鸦 [00:08.490]hate rock and roll(讨厌摇滚的喧嚣) [00:09.490]locked in your room(独自一人紧锁门窗) [00:10.490]now u mother ****er take on your lost soul [00:18.490]now u hate everyday sunshine(现在的你讨厌每天的日出) [00:20.490]no hear long time Ultralow bass(也很久没有听到超低音贝司) [00:22.490]life's not easy e how u keep memories(生活并不容易 如何保留回忆) [00:24.490]now u keep kids and no more kiss young sis(现在你有了孩子不再亲吻别的小姐) [00:27.490]hell back to shelf, leave old pan pal(滚回你的住处,又离开了你的老笔友) [00:29.490]keep real from yourself, how this feel(为了做自己而做自己是什么样的感受) [00:32.490]Chinese hip-hop will never go down(中国说唱不会完蛋) [00:34.490]that's not show down, will be Pingpong(这可不是虚张声势。会变得像乒乓球一样流行) [00:35.490]every day then every night (一天一天流逝)lost your first sight(丢掉了你的初衷) [00:37.490]forgot about the dream like where to be best high(忘记了那个最伟大的梦想) [00:38.490]look around me. they don't know me [00:40.490]there's no peace, no ****, no ***, their eyes I'm just a shady, maybe u can kill me, but only hip-hop can save me(这里没有平静,没有安眠药,没有性,在他他们眼里我品行低劣,或者你想杀了我,不过只有说唱能救我) [00:50.490]u can go u can roll. but u can never get home. only getting old. getting old(你可以滚着逃离,不过你再也找不到家的方向,只能不断变老) [00:54.490]I'm a bad man. I'm a bad man(我是个坏人,很坏很坏的人) [00:56.490]hate think back. hate government(讨厌回想过去,讨厌政治) [00:58.490]hit homor rhyme can't be a humor man(找到了幽默的韵脚不过成为不了幽默的人) [01:00.490]all I wanna do is holding my arm around u(我唯一想做的事就是让我的双手把她怀抱) [01:02.490]let's get in round two(现在来到第二回合)给我更多帮助 [01:04.490]没有更多长处只会把那灵感留住 [01:06.490]有人在逃 我却用敌人的尸体铺路 [01:08.490]宁愿承受孤独和寂寞也不要和那平凡相处 [01:10.490]said goodbye to your old life(就说再见,和你过去的生命) [01:13.490]just say goodbye what in your mind(就和你脑子里的回忆道别) [01:16.490]when u wanna cry go on don't be shy(想哭就哭不要害怕) [01:19.490]course everything's gonna be fine(因为总有一天事情都会好转) [01:22.490]that's lie(这可能是个谎言)可是在 这种场合说出来的话就是帅 抱歉我不该在 这个时候表现的这么实在 [01:28.490]can u feel the emotion from other mother ****er guys just cry and...die ... [01:34.490]every day then every night (一天一天流逝)lost your first sight(丢掉了你的初衷) [01:37.490]forgot about the dream like where to be best high(忘记了那个最伟大的梦想) [01:38.490]look around me. they don't know me [01:40.490]there's no peace, no ****, no ***, their eyes I'm just a shady, maybe u can kill me, but only hip-hop can save me(这里没有平静,没有安眠药,没有性,在他他们眼里我品行低劣,或者你想杀了我,不过只有说唱能救我) [01:50.490]u can go u can roll. but u can never get home. only getting old. getting old(你可以滚着逃离,不过你再也找不到家的方向,只能不断变老) [02:10.490]who stole your dream u don't even know the name(那个偷梦的人,你甚至不知道他的名字) [02:13.490]feel some missing working days u don't even be late(每天若有所失即使工作从不迟到) [02:16.490]ask why that's another level of LAZY(别问为什么,这是另一层面的懒惰) [02:18.490]别再比谁快 到达终点站 [02:20.490]做这平凡的工作以为能够少点麻烦 [02:22.490]这是错觉你得知道时间过得超级快 [02:24.490]dirty works u don't ever be mind(那脏累的工作你从没在意) [02:26.490]desigh, do the thing what u like(设想你正在做想要做的事) [02:28.490]handle your life(你的命你自己操盘) [02:30.490]every day then every night (一天一天流逝)lost your first sight(丢掉了你的初衷) [02:33.490]forgot about the dream like where to be best high(忘记了那个最伟大的梦想) [02:35.490]look around me. they don't know me [02:37.490]there's no peace, no ****, no ***, their eyes I'm just a shady, maybe u can kill me, but only hip-hop can save me(这里没有平静,没有安眠药,没有性,在他他们眼里我品行低劣,或者你想杀了我,不过只有说唱能救我) [02:43.490]u can go u can roll. but u can never get home. only getting old. getting old(你可以滚着逃离,不过你再也找不到家的方向,只能不断变老) [02:48.490]whose voice appeared on the radio(谁的声音又出现在了录音机) [02:50.490]你想变得超级红 紧紧握住mic-phone [02:52.490]可是脚步也很重 随时躲避fire-hone [02:54.490]当你孤单也会情不自禁点击播放where‘d u go [02:57.490]"where’d u go" good question(《你去了哪里》一个很好的问题) [02:59.490]u don't wanna know the worst thing(你不想知道坏事情) [03:01.490]called ******g ***** is vitamin(把发泄欲望叫做补充维他命) [03:03.490]whatever u d keep going never running(无论如何,你得偶下去,不能逃避) [03:05.490]course u pushed your whole life all in(因为你已经赌上了全部) [03:07.490]下段路程loading 失去谁的声音 [03:09.490]wanna be the champion 向那2pac致敬 [03:11.490]他指引 我去执行 对梦想的所有憧憬 [03:13.490]还有依旧讨厌那个团体来自mother-fuc吉林 [03:16.490]兄弟一路都在分分合合才是真爱,把握不住现在那就借口海枯石烂 [03:21.490]那群跳梁的小丑 还在吹捧那热狗 [03:23.490]只能压下这念头 不懂hip-hop请住口