作曲 : 晓风清扬 作词 : 晓风清扬/Vaibhav Pandey Dreaming Dreaming 在梦里 Are you still dreaming 你是否还在梦里 Hope all your wishes will come true 愿你美梦成真 Hold on to your dreams 抓住你的梦 Just never let them fade 别让它溜走 When the child inside you screams 内心的小孩想要说话 Don’t let his voice abrade 请你认真倾听 It’s dream that pushes you 梦想推着你前行 To achieve the so called impossible 战胜一切不可能 Let the fire inside you 让内心燃烧的激情 illuminate your future so desirable 照亮未来 the dream of today will be 今天的梦 the accomplishments of tomorrow 或许会变成明天的现实 to the path you have chosen 你选择的路 the world will follow 世界将会追随 Hold on to your dreams 抓住你的梦 Just never let them fade 别让它溜走 When the child inside you screams 内心的小孩想要说话 Don’t let his voice abrade 请你认真倾听 Dreaming 在梦里 Are you still dreaming 你是否还在梦里 Hope all your wishes will come true 愿你美梦成真