作曲 : 张思安 作词 : 张思安 i once knew a man his name was bobby he was an english teacher living in asia bobby had everything the girls the money for once in his life he felt free bobby was from america he came from new york the best city in the world they say bobby had no trouble felt everything was so easy for the first time in his life he felt free oh bobby didn't know he came to the wrong place on this december night he got killed by some farmer whose wife he had slept with oh bobby you should have been careful bobby this is not your country bobby was young 24 years old didn't have a degree but knew how to speak english bobby never went to university he didn't have the money he couldn't afford a good education but he could speak english so he could live like a king you don't need to be rich when you are from america bobby came back to new york to america in a coffin his parents cried but it was too late you don't have to be in america to be killed by a mad man you just have to be free you just have to be free