作曲 : 无 作词 : 无 Hey Mr. Curiosity 嘿 好奇先生 Is it true what they've been saying about you 他们所说的关于你的一切是真的吗? Are you killing me 你是否只是玩弄我罢了? You took care of the cat already 你一直很会照顾小猫咪 And for those who think it's heavy 那些你关心的人你也以心相交 Is it the truth 这是事实嘛? Or is it only gossip 抑或只是流言蜚语而已 Call it mystery or anything 你称这为奇迹也好 其他也罢 Just as long as you call me 只要你还愿呼唤我名字就好 I sent the message on did you get it when I left it 我离开时写下的留言不知你是否看到 See this catastrophic event 看看这一切不该发生的灾难 It wasn't meant to mean no harm 我并不是说爱情里不应有伤害 But to think there's nothing wrong is a problem 但一切过于平静也会让人忐忑不安 I'm looking for love this time 我一直在寻找毕生之爱 Sounding hopeful but it's making me cry 耳畔有希望之声 我却已双目含泪 Love is a mystery 爱就是宇宙的终极奥秘呐 Mr. Curious... 好奇先生 Come back to me 回到我的身边来把 Mr. waiting never patient can't you see 时光易逝 时不我待 That I'm the same the way you left me 乘着我还是你离开时的模样 In a hurry to spell check me 仍然是那般的冲动而不克制 And I'm underlined already in envy green 虽然我有些被嫉妒冲昏了头脑 And then to red 被愤怒所掩埋 And I've forgotten what you've said 将你对我说过的那些话也抛之脑后 Will you stop working for the dead and return 从沉沦中醒来然后回到我的身边吧 Mr. curious well I need some inspiration 好奇先生 我承认我需要一些灵感 It's my birthday and I cannot find no cause for celebration 虽然是我的生日 我却找不到理由去庆祝 The scenario is grave but I'll be braver when you save me 这场景如同坟墓 如果你能拯救我 我也许会勇敢一搏 From this situation laden with hearsay 我想要摆脱现况的无奈 I'm looking for love this time 我想试着另再爱一次 Sounding hopeful but it's making me cry 耳畔有希望之声 我却已双目垂泪 And love is a mystery 爱总是充满着神秘 Mr. Curiosity 好奇先生 Be mr. please 请求你 Do come and find me 回到我的身边好吗? I'm looking for love this time 我一直在寻找着真爱恋人 Sounding hopeful but it's making me cry 耳畔有希望之声 我却已垂首泣泪 Trying not to ask why 试着不去寻根问底 Cause love is a mystery 毕竟爱总是那么难懂 Mr. curiosity 好奇先生 Be mr. please 拜托你 Do come and find me 回到我的身边好吗? Love is blinding when your timing's never right 在错误的时间遇见 我们曾爱得盲目 Oh who am I to beg for difference 我又能奢求谁会是那一个例外呢 Finding love in a just instant 即使最终的爱稍纵即逝 But I don't mind 我也不会心有遗憾 at least I tried, well I tried... 至少我来过 爱过