Let’s go 开始吧 Ever since I was a kid I’ve been dreaming about this 这是我儿时怀抱的终极幻想 First day of practice I was thinking about this 为了她我义无反顾地选择历练自己 Picture on the news, yeah they see about this 看见了吗,报纸上第一次出现我们的名字 Even in the paper they won’t read about this 然而没人在乎这不值一钱的报纸 Cause all of my life 我的生命我的一切 Training day and night 日复一日不停磨砺 I’m preparing to fight 只为一生唯一的那个节点 For everyone I believed in 只为那些我付出信任的人 I was going insane, they were screaming our name 我将自己埋葬在癫狂的声浪里 While were spraying champagne 沉溺在四射的香槟酒花里 There’s nothing nobody can say 让我们的辉煌永远铭刻于所有人的记忆 Cause today is the day 这是历史应该铭记的时刻 Is the day that I have always dreamed of forever 是我朝思暮想挥之不去的羁绊 When you call me, 你们狂热地呼唤我的名字 You call me the champ of the world 你们称呼我为全世界的王者 I can raise my hands 我高擎我的双臂 I can scream I’m the best in the world 我用最尖利的嗓音呼叫我天下无敌 Whole world 天下无敌 All my blood, sweat and grind 曾经浸满血泪汗水的芽苞 Was all for this time 此刻绽放无遗 Lap after lap, mile after mile 又一次轮回,又一程疾驰 Push up after push up 抢夺胜利的人前赴后继 Everybody count it out 我听见地狱的倒计时 Everybody up, now we back down 人潮蜂拥向前,我们却打着撤退的鼓点 All my pain and sweat was for this moment right now 我将痛苦与坚韧深埋在奋斗的土壤里 All from different places well we came with each other 命运安排我们从四方齐聚于此 We came together as a team, 我们开始组成那所谓的乐队 But we’re leaving as brothers 然而分别时发现我们已然是兄弟 Standing next to one another while we hold up our colors 我们肩并肩,共同举起我们的旗帜 I’m gon’ look in to the camera and tell my mama I love her 我会对着镜头告诉所有人我感激我的母亲 Cause today is the day 这是历史应该铭记的时刻 Is the day that I have always dreamed of forever 是我朝思暮想挥之不去的羁绊 When you call me, 你们狂热地呼唤我的名字 You call me the champ of the world 你们称呼我为全世界的王者 I can raise my hands 我高擎我的双臂 I can scream I’m the best in the world 我用最尖利的嗓音呼叫我天下无敌 Whole world 天下无敌 All my blood, sweat and grind 曾经浸满血泪汗水的芽苞 Was all for this time 此刻绽放无遗 Today is the day 这是历史应该铭记的时刻 Is the day that I have always dreamed of forever 是我朝思暮想挥之不去的羁绊 When you call me, 你们狂热地呼唤我的名字 You call me the champ of the world 你们称呼我为全世界的王者 I can raise my hands 我高擎我的双臂 I can scream I’m the best in the world 我用最尖利的嗓音呼叫我天下无敌 Whole world 天下无敌 All my blood, sweat and grind 曾经浸满血泪汗水的芽苞 Was all for this time 此刻绽放无遗 Today is the day 这是历史应该铭记的时刻 Is the day that I have always dreamed of forever 是我朝思暮想挥之不去的羁绊 When you call me, 你们狂热地呼唤我的名字 You call me the champ of the world 你们称呼我为全世界的王者 I can raise my hands 我高擎我的双臂 I can scream I’m the best in the world 我用最尖利的嗓音呼叫我天下无敌 Whole world 天下无敌 All my blood, sweat and grind 曾经浸满血泪汗水的芽苞 Was all for this time 此刻绽放无遗