作曲 : Lindy Lin 作词 : Lindy Lin/Rapeter 作曲:Lindy Lin/Rapeter 作词:Lindy Lin/Rapeter 制作:Dosgow 后期:Dosgow/蔡成钰/张学政 I’m a girl always wearing a coat I hate cold The wind I feel and the air I breathe are quite different from you My Doctor calls me a rare case While they call me a mutant and fat But I don’t really care The wind blows slowly on your cheeks That’s a freaking storm for me Ice cream?Forget about it When it comes to selfie with friends Oh come on. Tell me I ain’t the clown Even hard to climb the bus Don’t be afraid, my kid. I’m just dressing like a ball Only at home can I be myself Thank my dear dad and mom But sorry for bringing you sorrow Why I was born to be like this So who is gonna save me and then you come up to me Oh lord 眼前的那个女孩 她穿得那么多太过奇怪 她追着气球 好像又在看我 丘比特出现当她笑了起来 偷偷来到她的身边 开不了口紧张得要命 你的世界只有冬天 可我想把冬天变得暖一点 怕冷的女孩 做我(你)的女孩 怕冷的女孩 那火炉的微光照亮了我心里喂你一大口红薯满嘴的甜 费九牛二虎之力塞你进公交挤地铁是痛并快乐的体验 在笑着 哭着 闹着 就算我是电风扇你是暖气片 也会搂着你坐在后面打开伞为你撑一片晴天 You are my warming weather Forever stay in my(your) arms