The road is long 漫漫长路 With many a winding turn 蜿蜒曲折 That leads us to who knows where 把我们带向未知 Who knows when 遥遥无期 But I'm strong 但我坚信 Strong enough to carry him 我可以背动他 He ain't heavy, he's my brother. 他不沉重,他是我的兄弟 So on we go 继续前行 His welfare is of my concern 他的幸福就是我的责任 No burden is he to bear 他不需要承受任何负担 We'll get there 我们会到达终点 For I know 我深信 He would not encumber me 他并不是我的拖累 If I'm laden at all 如果我真的觉得累了 I'm laden with sadness 那是悲伤使我觉得劳累 That everyone's heart 那是因为 Isn't filled with the gladness 不是所有人都真心的 Of love for one another. 为他们所爱的人感到开心 It's a long, long road 漫漫长路 From which there is no return 无法回头 While we're on the way to there 在这路上 Why not share 互利互勉 And the load 这所谓的负担 Doesn't weigh me down at all 并没有把我拖下 He ain't heavy, he's my brother. 他不沉重,他是我的兄弟 He's my brother 他是我的兄弟 He ain't heavy, he's my brother. 他不沉重,他是我的兄弟