[Okay, now it’s your turn, [It seems so disobedient -] [disrespectful -] [Loud!] [No, I hear what she’s saying – [Amen, sister!] [Go girl!] [Bigger!] [Bolder!] [Better!] [Basses!] [Altos!] [Sopranos!] [Now together!] [Wowzers, did you hear that? [Yeah yeah, you sang four notes [Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy] [No!] [See?] [No!] [Ow wooo! OK, girls... lay some pious on me!] [Again!] [Yeah!] [Where’s my girl? Ah, there she is! Come on gimmie some Gloria!] [Er, God can’t hear you!] [Ha! Ha! Ha! Ok, now, you join in the third!] [Uhhh, rock that Deo! Now, Mary Laz, can you pick things up without getting to winded?] [Winded? Step back, sister!] [Ok, girls join her!] [Ok, now you girls stand up and join in!] [Ok, the rest of your ladies! Hallelujah double time, let go!] [Now that’s what I call a joyful noise!] [Amen!] [You guys are gonna be Fabulous!]