(spoken) Tevye: AAAh! help help! Golde: Tevye? Tevye wake up (Tevye screams) What's the matter with you? Why are you howling like that? Tevye: Where is she? Where is she? Golde: Where is who? What are you talking about? Tevye: Fruma Sarah, the butcher's first wife. She was standing there a minute ago! Golde: What's the matter with you Tevye? Fruma Sarah's been dead for years! You must have been dreaming. Tell me what you dreamed and I'll tell you what it meant. Tevye: All right, only... don't be frightened! In the beginning I dreamt that we were having a celebration of some kind. Everybody we knew was there. Musicians too. Suddenly, in comes your grandma Tzietl, may she rest in peace. Naturally, I went up to greet her, and she said: (sung) Grandma Tzietl: A blessing on your head (Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov) To see a daughter wed (Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov) And such a son-in-law Like no-one ever saw The tailor Motel Camzoil Golde: (spoken) Motel? Grandma Tzietl: (sung) A worthy boy is he (Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov) Of pious family (Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov) They named him after my Dear uncle Mordachai The tailor Motel Camzoil (spoken) Golde: A tailor? She must have heard wrong. She meant a butcher. (sung) Tevye: You must have heard wrong Grandma There's no tailor You mean the butcher Grandma By the name of Lazer-Wolfe Grandma Tzietl: Noooo! I mean a tailor Tevye My great-grandchild My little Tzietl who you named for me Motel's bride was meant to be! For such a match I prayed (Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov) In heaven it was made (Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov) A fine upstanding boy A comfort and a joy The tailor Motel Camzoil (spoken) Golde: But we announced it already! We made a bargain with the butcher! (sung) Tevye: But we announced it Grandma To our neighbors We made a bargain Grandma With the butcher Lazer-Wolfe Grandma Tzietl: Noooo No! So you announced it Tevye That's your headache And as for Lazer-Wolfe I say to you Tevye, that's your headache too! (Company) A blessing on your house Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov Imagine such a spouse Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov And such a son-in-law Like no-one ever saw The tailor Motel Camzoil Tevye (spoken) But he's a butcher! Comapny: (sung) The tailor Motel Camzoil Tevye: (spoken) His name is Lazer-Wolfe Company (sung) The tailor Motel Camzoil Tevye: The tailor Motel Camzoil Company: Sha! Sha! Look who is this? Who is this? Who comes here? Who Who Who Who What woman is this? By righteous and is shaking Could it be? Sure! Yes it could! Why not? Who could be mistaken? It's the butcher's wife come from beyond the grave It's the butcher's dear, darling, departed wife Fruma Sarah Fruma Sarah Fruma Sarah Fruma Sarah Fruma Sarah Fruma Sarah Fruma Sarah Fruma Sarah: Tevye!! Tevye!!!!! What is this about your daughter marrying my husband? Company: He's her husband! Fruma Sarah: Would you do this to your friend and neighbor Fruma Sarah? (Fruma Sarah!) Have you no consideration for a woman's feelings? (Woman's feelings!) Handing over my belongings to a total stranger! (Total stranger!) How? How can you let your daughter to take my place? Live in my house Carry my keys And wear my clothes Pearls How? Company: How can you allow your daughter to take her place? (Pearls!) House! (Pearls!) Keys! (Pearls) Clothes (Pearls!) How? Fruma Sarah: Such a learned man as Tevye wouldn't let it happen! (Let it happen!) Tell me that it isn't tue and then I wouldn't worry! (Wouldn't worry!) Say you didn't give your blessing to your daughter's marriage (Daughter's marriage) Let me tell you what would follow such a fataled wedding (fataled wedding!) If Tzietl marries Lazer-Wolfe I pity them both! She'd live with him three weeks And when three weeks are up I'll come to her by night I'll take her by the throat and This I'll give your Tzietl That I'll give your Tzietl This I'll give your Tzietl That I'll give your Tzietl Here's my wedding present if she marries Lazer-Wolfe! (Company and Tevye scream) Golde: Aye Aye Aye Aye Such a dark and evil spirit!Let it fall into the river, let it sink into the earth! Such a dark and horrible dream! And to think, it was brought on by that butcher! If my grandma Tzietl, may she rest in peace, Took the time to come all the way from the other world to tell us About the tailor all I can say is that it's for the best. And couldn't possibly get any better. Amen. Tevye: Amen (sung) Golde: A blessing on my head Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov My Grandma Tzietl said Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov We'll have a son-in-law Like no-one ever saw The tailor Motel Camzoil Tevye: We haven't got the man (Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov) We had when we began (Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov) But since your grandma came She'll marry... what's his name? Golde: The tailor, Motel Camzoil Both: The tailor Motel Camzoil (repeats up to 12x)