作曲 : 西瓜乐团 作词 : 西瓜乐团 The Flare in My Eyes Many years have passed, just like a broken glass. 时光已逝,碎片凌乱 You'll never make it! your words still etch in me. 流言蜚语,如影随形 Picking up the pieces, Sharping up the edges, 重拾信念,坚定向前 With my hunting knife, you'll be killed in the skyline. 整装待发,屠汝于斯 We can try and we can find. we can do it more than you think 不断尝试,不断寻找,不断超乎期望 Don't stop me Don't fight me 斩断荆棘,正面抗战 Never try to change my mind 内心不变 You are here Wait for the end 伫立于此,大限将至 How I can escape? I will go just tonight 与子同袍,岂曰无衣? One day I will fight for my dreams. 放手一搏 I'll never change it. 永不改变。 Many years have passed, just like a broken glass. 时光已逝,碎片凌乱 You'll never make it! your words still etch in me. 流言蜚语,如影随形 Picking up the pieces, Sharping up the edges, 重拾信念,坚定向前 With my hunting knife, you'll be killed in the skyline. 整装待发,屠汝于斯 We can try and we can find we can do it more than you think 不断尝试,不断寻找,不断超乎期望 Don't stop me Don't fight me 斩断荆棘,正面抗战 Never try to change my mind 内心不变 You are here Wait for the end 伫立于此,大限将至 How I can escape? I will go just tonight 与子同袍,岂曰无衣? One day I will fight for my dreams. 放手一搏 I'll never change it. 永不改变。 We can We can find it 挥手之间,万年一瞬 We can find the brightest sky 绚烂天空,触手可及 You will you will see that 俯拾即是,几人称王 You will see the flare in my eyes 耀眼光芒,终将可见