Life's like a mayonnaise soda And life's like space without room And life's like bacon and ice cream That's what life's like without you 人生宛如美乃滋加蘇打 人生彷彿窄擠的空間 人生猶如培根加冰淇淋 沒了你的人生就像那樣 Life's like forever becoming But life's forever dealing in hurt Now life's like death without living That's what life's like without you 人生似乎永遠不定形 人生倒是永遠在傷害裡打滾 現在人生像是死亡,了無生氣 就像失去你的人生那樣(死氣沉沉) Life's like Sanskrit read to a pony * I see you in my mind's eye strangling on your tongue What good is knowing such devotion I've been around - I know what makes things run 人生好比對牛彈琴 我的心眼透視你正用舌勒住自己 知道這樣的信仰有什麼用 我曾經歷過­—我知道天地運行的道理 What good is seeing eye chocolate (read n.4, adj.2.) What good's a computerized nose And what good was cancer in April Why no good - no good at all 巧克力色導盲犬有什麼用 電子化的嗅覺探測器有什麼用 四月的癌症有什麼用 為什麼沒用—一點也沒用 What good's a war without killing What good is rain that falls up What good's a disease that won't hurt you Why no good, I guess, no good at all 沒有殺戮的戰役有什麼用 往上飄,落不下來的雨有什麼用 沒能傷害你的疾病有什麼用 為什麼沒用,我猜,一點也沒用 What good are these thoughts that I'm thinking It must be better not to be thinking at all A styrofoam lover with emotions of concrete No not much, not much at all 我想的這些想法有什麼用 根本什麼都別想應該會比較好 保麗龍情人掛著僵化如混凝土的表情 沒有,一點也沒有 What's good is life without living What good's this lion that barks You loved a life others throw away nightly It's not fair, not fair at all 了無生氣的人生有什麼用 叫聲如狗吠的這頭獅子有什麼用 你熱愛著他人每夜丟棄的生活 真不公平,一點也不公平 What's good ? Not much at all 有什麼用 沒什麼用 What's good ? Life's good - But not fair at all 有什麼好的? 活著好雖好 但是一點也不公平