(KIM wakens. CHRIS hands her the money he had left.) CHRIS This money's yours Please take it all Hey, you want more? KIM No, no, I don't want anything CHRIS Hey, what's wrong with you? KIM I've not done this before CHRIS That can't be true! KIM CHRIS All the girls lie! They just want to get out of here Maybe you're not like that But I don't know who you are KIM Do you want one more tale of a Vietnam girl? Want to know I was bound to a man I don't love? Do you want to be told how my village was burned? Want to hear how my family was blasted away? How I ran from the rice field and saw them in flames? How my parents were bodies whose faces were gone? I have had my fill of pain I will not look back again I would rather die CHRIS Can I see you tonight? KIM Well, I'll be at the club Selling "beaucoup amour" CHRIS No, you won't How would you like... KIM How would I like...? CHRIS How would you like Living with me? It feels good like this So that's how we should be So would you like? KIM Yes, I would like! CHRIS Okay, it's set No more to say Screw the Engineer You're the one good thing That I've found out here