Discarded at any rate. The side of pain, l heard it faintly. Sound of knocked with a blunt weapon. The side of despair, I saw it slightly. Unreasonable exploitation. Light does not shine here. The side of pain, l heard it faintly. Sound of knocked with a blunt weapon. The side of despair, I saw it slightly. Unreasonable exploitation. Tell me why you oppress? I'm disposable clown. Yesterday's smil is not here any longer. 止め処無く広がる惨劇は 鶺鴒の羽を毟り紅く染まる 俺はLeft behind... 救われない 愛の無い明日を生きる芽は腐った Your insult break my life. If I lick your shoes, do you love me? Will you forgive me if I wipe your assho*e? Don't get in the swing in spite of feces. If I lick your shoes, do you love me? Will you forgive me if I wipe your assho*e? Don't get in the swing in spite of feces. 押し殺した希望は 温もりさえ緩やかな死辱の川 Discarded at any rate. The side of pain, l heard it faintly. Sound of knocked with a blunt weapon. The side of despair, I saw it slightly. Unreasonable exploitation. 冷徹に聳える内壁は 誰もいなくなれと願うものじゃない 今もLeft behind… 無様な手は 自分さえも守れずに終わるのか 止め処無く広がる惨劇は 鶺鴒の羽を毟り紅く染まる 俺はLeft behind... 全て失った 愛の無い明日を捨て今を眠りたい 触れる言葉 過去に向けた造花 咽るほどに愛しく消えた 蒼いはずの空 剥がれ朽ちた症体 泣いて眠ることに疲れた I grieve still It dawns... Your insult break my life.