[00:00.000] 作曲 : Eyder艾叮当 [00:01.000] 作词 : Eyder艾叮当 [00:06.27]BEAT MAKER:HALF MOON [00:07.14]后期混音:HARRY SUN [00:09.39]let me do let me do [00:14.51]I have homie all around me [00:17.01]do u see the team i lead [00:19.56]let me do let me do [00:24.58]i dont care about the money [00:27.11]even locker has no key [00:29.64]let me do let me do [00:34.68]open your eyes just see [00:37.26]i can get what i need [00:39.79]let me do let me do [00:44.77]i can walk with my feet [00:47.31]nothing can stop my greed [00:50.59]如果还有时间 是什么期限 [00:52.99]多少回忆提醒我在夜里浮现 [00:55.55]看黑白相片 未来将会遇见 [00:57.93]别再拿自己的人生随便当作实验 [01:00.63]E from the Eve Bro i never sleep [01:03.11]Y for the yobo meaning love and peace [01:05.68]D by the deed see the ferry on the sea [01:08.18]call my name Artist EYD [01:10.71]从小到大 我在上海长大 [01:12.86]我的外公告诉我说要听妈妈的话 [01:15.44]说起我的家 温柔的爸爸书房最大 [01:17.88]还有醒来就能闻到妈妈泡的普洱茶 [01:20.52]打游戏 很随意 不努力 最惬意 暴脾气 [01:22.99]直到那个夏天又一个初中的毕业季 [01:25.52]抛下一切独自坐上了名叫离别 的飞机 [01:28.04]目的地是悉尼而不是东京的迪士尼 [01:30.97]陌生的城市 学会自我保护 [01:33.40]脚下踩着是通往成功幸福道路 [01:36.07]学会抽烟喝酒试着把眼泪遮住 [01:38.24]身上纹满记号要把所有挫折都记住 [01:41.05]身边的朋友 你们来自何处 [01:43.48]是否和我一样在正在寻找着归宿 [01:46.05]背上你的行囊一起漂泊他乡 [01:48.07]大不了卸下包袱与我一起四处流浪 [01:51.11]请你不要害怕 耳机 音量加大 [01:53.56]音乐梦想从来 没有 被谁谋杀 [01:55.88]来自上海的男孩是他不怕摩擦 [01:57.74]站高塔涂鸦写下梦想有天要拥有着漫城烟沙 [02:00.95]每天醒来的闹钟还是滴答滴答 [02:03.52]如果太累那就关了躺下继续睡吧 [02:05.96]过去用来回味 当作是未来的调味 [02:08.72]刺激我的味蕾不管朋友还是敌对 [02:11.32]拿起你的书 绘制梦想的蓝图 [02:13.61]收起你的虚荣 对金钱的追求和爱慕 [02:16.04]爱慕你的人才会把你的缺点都暴露 [02:18.59]暴露后才发现自己才是真的不服输 [02:21.13]有问题先问自己做错的事就像夜里的雨滴在洗礼 [02:25.22]别压抑着你以为的不可以被抛弃没道理接受这一切的经历 直到自己说句坚持到底 [02:31.53]let me do let me do [02:36.03]open your eyes just see [02:38.41]i can get what i need [02:41.02]let me do let me do [02:46.12]i can walk with my feet [02:48.58]nothing can stop my greed [02:51.44]别把今天要做的事全部留到明天 [02:53.94]别以为年纪轻轻自己还剩多少时间 [02:56.47]花着你爸妈辛苦的钱抽你爸抽不起的烟 [02:59.37]理解他们总是对你孜孜不倦 [03:01.58]我也打架逃学 喝酒到凌晨五点 [03:04.03]但是总有一天我会长大撑起这片天要记住帮他们把年轻时的梦想 兑现 [03:08.96]让他们知道 远方有个儿子可以挂念 [03:11.94]E from the Eve Bro i never sleep [03:14.48]Y for the yobo meaning love and peace [03:17.06]D by the deed see the ferry on sea [03:19.56]call my name Artist EYD [03:22.12]E from the Eve Bro i never sleep [03:24.62]Y for the yobo meaning love and peace [03:27.13]D by the deed see the ferry on the sea [03:29.55]call my name Artist EYD [03:35.24]