作曲 : Devil.Wu 作词 : Devil.Wu Prod. By GLOCK幺七 监制/录音:朱建邦Nichien@惑星聚变Studio 混音/母带:朱建邦Nichien@惑星聚变Studio fxxxed up yea we fxxxed up x4 開向 死亡嘅列車 痛與哀嘅離別 巫師做法辟邪 打上驅逐死結 所有乘客 ain't human build satan 之後燒入焚 kill them all ka ka ka 人類係抵死 人性無秩序 列車將會下墜 貪婪仍緊追 展露出所有嘅陰暗面墮入進循環嘅輪迴sin 神 will be murdered by murder 錢 more than Gucci 堆積如山 then 刪除曬你腦袋裏面愚蠢嘅思維 汎濫災難 你已經 forget your fxxxing sin what 完全無法創造新嘅伊甸園 but keep failing 滿載成車活死人 like the fxxxing walking dead damn fxxxed up yea we fxxxed up x8 佢地又話 世界一定一定係美好的(what?) 孤注一擲 生死喺我手 車牌號碼叫做 number six six six 虛度沉溺喺虛偽嘅奇跡(what?) 神明又為何會令我受苦 我睇到只得係灰色 存在係對現實無情嘅反諷 彈孔 inside my head 手槍係suicide losing my life beside my death bang i am the driver driving to death i am the driver driving to death i am the driver driving to death fxxxed up yea we fxxxed up x8 (END)