作曲 : Zz Est 作词 : Maxwell韩浩翔/Zz Est/Sunny Lukas Sunny Lukas: Now we on top baby (君子于役) I haven’t seen you lately (不知其期) You know I been missing you for so long you for so long (君子于役,如之何勿思!) I got my pops calling (父急切寻) I got the ladies knockin (家从问门) Me and my dogs crawling I got my homies ballin (友人信书成山堆) I got my moms calling Cuz I been missing you for so long (只因朝思暮想,如之何勿思!) Zz Est: Do you think it's too much? 我把脸蹭到你的嘴边 不小心吃掉你的lipstick 感觉却是出奇的很甜 You are like a rainbow 今天会是什么色号 把手钻进你的衣服 想要知道你会不会尖叫 喝了 吐了 哭了 笑了 有时年轻让我们成长 跑着 唱着 牵着 贴着 睡在网吧一起通宵 Lv Burberry 还是Dior 就算你不化妆也是我的骄傲 滴一滴香水在我身上环绕 今天什么型号 what you ganna find out You said you wanna be my friend (你说想成为我的朋友) Now we're more than normal friends (但你对于我不只是普通朋友) Had to call a uber driver (欲穷千里目) Pick up my dear girlfriend (更上一层楼) Chill, by the coffee while we eating seafood (海鲜配上咖啡是我们的下午茶) Now we getting thirsty you ganna need that ice juice (现在你总是饥渴地问我果汁在哪) What did we do to make that thing happen (求之不得,寤寐思服) Where do we go to make that thing ending (悠哉悠哉,辗转反侧) They make my heart broken, I used to anxious (士之耽兮,犹可说也;) Untill you show up, I need you to fix it (女之耽兮,不可说也?) Sunny Lukas: Now we on top baby (君子于役) I haven’t seen you lately (不知其期) You know I been missing you for so long you for so long (君子于役,如之何勿思!) I got my pops calling (父急切寻) I got the ladies knockin (家从问门) Me and my dogs crawling I got my homies ballin (友人信书成山堆) I got my moms calling Cuz I been missing you for so long (只因朝思暮想,如之何勿思!) Maxwell韩浩翔: I got my ladies calling (女孩们在来电) But I don’t like falling (可是不想沉沦) 和你在一起的瞬间 紧扣着每根心弦 多想要能有资格 叫你一声宝贝babe 不去想更进一步的我们 或许哪天也会决裂 多么希望我们的故事能够没有结局 安安静静细水长流的陪伴让人梦寐以求 终于明白或许这个世界 真的没有故事里的十全十美 但是还是多么希望能够和一个人 一年一年陪在身边 一页一页翻到结尾 一首一首唱到最后 一步一步走到永远 oooh想回到最初 对一人心有独钟 单纯的心无旁骛 没有被世俗玷污 没有苦苦支撑的痛苦 多么后悔当初没觉悟没领悟没醒悟 Sunny Lukas: Now we on top baby (君子于役) I haven’t seen you lately (不知其期) You know I been missing you for so long you for so long (君子于役,如之何勿思!) I got my pops calling (父急切寻) I got the ladies knockin (家从问门) Me and my dogs crawling I got my homies ballin (友人信书成山堆) I got my moms calling Cuz I been missing you for so long You for so long (只因朝思暮想,如之何勿思!)