作曲 : 仟倪 作词 : 仟倪/sanae様 The Firmament~Retrack ver feat. 凝初の蛍 Music/Arrangement/lyrics: 仟倪 Lircs:仟倪 sanae様 Vocal:凝初の蛍 Chorus:凝初の蛍&风车叶 Mix:风车叶 Translation:仟倪 Void of sunlight You span across the vales; Gently reaching down Kiss my tears; How far have you gone I don’t know But I am here with all the muted memory Humming the song tinted by sadness, Clouds ing, winds flowing, but I cannot touch your lips Sunlight lying far beyond my eyes; 日光隐匿, 你跨越过连绵溪谷, 轻轻附身而下, 亲吻我的泪水。 你已离开多远我无从知晓, 但我仍于此怀揣着一切静默的记忆。 轻声哼起的歌谣, 沾染了悲伤。 云儿飘动, 风儿吹拂, 可我依然触及不到你的双唇, 只有日光蜷息在我看不到的地方。 Embracing the sky, I can hear your heart beating beside mine Echoing loud, far and nigh; Reaching for the sky, I am pining for the passing shine Rosy tenderness withered away, the sun is on decline; 拥抱苍穹,你我近在咫尺, 我能听到你的心跳。 由远及近,响遏行云。 抬手伸向苍穹,我哀叹已逝的光芒, 夕阳西下, 美丽的温柔也消失殆净。 Void of starlight, You arch over the hills; Gently reaching down Still my fears; How long have you gone I don’t know But I am here with all the muted memory Humming the tone dyed by loneliness, Rain falling, haze frosting, but I cannot touch your cheeks Starlight lying far beyond my eyes; 星光隐匿, 你跨越过连绵群山; 轻轻附身而下, 止住我的泪水。 你已离开多久我无从知晓, 但我仍于此怀揣着一切静默的记忆。 轻声哼起的曲调, 沾染了孤寂。 大雨倾盆, 冰霜封地, 可我依然触及不到你的双颊, 只有星光蜷息在我看不到的地方。 Embracing the sky, I can feel your heart beating beside mine Echoing loud, far and nigh; Reaching for the sky, I am longing for the fading shrine Rosy yearning will stay for aye, the heart cannot confine; 拥抱苍穹,你我近在咫尺, 我能听到你的心跳。 由远及近,响遏行云。 抬手伸向苍穹,我极力挽留渐逝的光芒, 炽热的渴望永驻于此, 小小的心儿怎能局限。 Reaching for the sky, I am longing for the fading shrine Rosy yearning will stay for aye, the heart cannot confine. 抬手伸向苍穹,我极力挽留渐逝的光芒, 炽热的渴望永驻于此, 小小的心儿怎能局限。