作曲 : A-Boy 作词 : A-Boy 编曲:The Hunter/San E 混音/母带:The Hunter all my girls,I love you(女孩们 我爱你) you can call me play boy,but I still wanna chill(你可以叫我花花公子但是我不会改变我自己) I know you will through my heart,only you(因为你可以穿越我的心,而且只有你) 雨点打在卧室窗台上是哒哒哒 就像当年我的眼泪落下哗啦啦 身边那么多的人都拿我没办法 “不就是个女孩不值得追逐她” I bet u no matter how many years passed(我和你打赌不管过了多久) no matter how many douche bags asked(不管有多少蠢蛋问起) I ma still the one in her mind(我永远是她心中的唯一) she is a precious and I will find it(她是只有我才能找到的宝藏) oh lord,she is a such a beautiful fault(哦老天,她是如此美丽的错误) If u wanna my money u can take them all(就算花光积蓄我也心甘情愿) I don't really care about that,It's all about u babe(因为我在意的只有你) 深夜梦到Jenny会想要找到她 或是梦见Mary的那双小脚丫 也许睡醒看到身边的那个她 I don't know if her name is Rebecca(我可能会忘了她的名字) yeah they call me playboy(是的他们叫我花花公子) yeah and I never regress(但我从来不后悔) yeah all my girls are deep fried(我的女孩们都是最美的) I don't know if I am losing my mind(我为她们试了志) 女孩们喜欢看我发疯的样子 看我变玫瑰花的方式让她们的笑容充斥 简单的手法不愿拆穿 I've stole ur heart but u still have barely realize(我已偷走了你的心但你浑然不觉) 我知道你难以先说出口 因为你在怀疑我是否交过了太多的女朋友 感情不顺就约老友去喝点小酒 也忘了最后有没有上头 all my girls,I love you(女孩们 我爱你) you can call me play boy,but I still wanna chill(你可以叫我花花公子但是我依然不会改变) never fall in love with me after the show(别在我的演出之后爱上我) you don't kown if I am loving for real(连我自己都不知道我是否是真心的) all my girls,I want you(女孩们 我想你) you can call me play boy,but I still wanna chill(你可以叫我花花公子但是我依然不会改变) never fall in love with me after the show(别在我的演出之后爱上我) you don't kown if I am loving for real(连我自己都不知道我是否是真心的) 深夜梦到Jenny会想要找到她 或是梦见Mary的那双小脚丫 也许睡醒看到身边的那个她 I don't know if her name is Rebecca(我可能会忘了她的名字) yeah they call me playboy(是的他们叫我花花公子) yeah and I never regress(但我从来不后悔) yeah all my girls are deep fried(我的女孩们都是最美的) I don't know if I am losing my mind(我为她们失了志) wuwuwuwuwuwuwu~ememem