[00:00.000] 作曲 : Hardwell/Hardcore/Lily [00:01.000] 作词 : P!nk [00:05.441]We are searchlights, we can see in the dark [00:37.183]我们是探照灯 故能透视黑暗 [00:39.690]We are rockets, pointing up at the stars [00:40.436]我们是那火箭 直指那天边星辰 [00:41.688]We are billions of beautiful hearts [00:43.942]我们是数以亿计的美丽心灵 [00:44.442]And your sold us down the river too far [00:44.941]而你却将我们狠狠出卖 [00:44.941]What about us? [00:45.440]我们该何去何从 [00:45.939]What about all the times you said you had the answers? [00:45.939]你无数次说你已有答案了这又怎么说 [00:46.194]What about us? [00:46.194]那么我们呢 [00:46.692]What about all the broken happy ever afters [00:46.692]所有那破碎的快乐幸福又该是如何 [00:47.192]What about us? [00:47.192]我们该何去何从 [00:47.691]What about all the plans that ended in disasters? [00:47.691]所有在灾难中落空的计划又该怎么说 [00:47.691]What about love? What about trust? [00:48.190]爱何在呢 信任何在呢 [00:48.190]What about us? [00:48.689]我们又何在呢 [00:48.935]We are problems that want to be solved [00:48.935]我们是那所有亟待解决的问题 [00:49.203]We are children that need to be loved [00:49.203]我们是那迫切渴望被爱的孩提 [00:49.688]We were willing, we came when you called [00:49.688]我们心甘情愿 在你召唤之时出现 [00:50.187]But then you fooled us, enough is enough [00:50.444]但你却将我们愚弄 一切都够了 [00:50.444]What about us? [00:50.444]我们该何去何从 [00:50.954]What about all the times you said you had the answers? [00:50.954]你无数次说你已有答案了这又怎么说 [00:51.442]What about us? [00:51.685]那么我们呢 [00:51.685]What about all the broken happy ever afters? [00:52.184]所有那破碎的快乐幸福又该是如何 [00:52.441]What about us? [00:52.441]我们该何去何从 [00:52.441]What about all the plans that ended in disasters? [00:52.940]所有在灾难中落空的计划又该怎么说 [00:52.940]What about love? What about trust? [00:53.439]爱何在呢 信任何在呢 [00:53.439]What about us? [00:53.939]我们又何在呢 [00:54.192]What about us? [00:54.192]我们该何去何从 [00:54.692]What about all the plans that ended in disasters? [00:54.692]所有在灾难中落空的计划又该怎么说 [00:54.938]What about love? What about trust? [00:54.938]爱何在呢 信任何在呢 [00:55.437]What about us? [00:55.437]我们又何在呢 [00:55.936]Sticks and stones they may break these bones [00:55.936]棍棒落石或许会摧毁掉这骨肉躯体 [00:56.436]But then I'll be ready, are you ready? [00:56.436]但此刻我已准备好 你是否也已准备好 [00:56.436]It's the start of us, waking up come on [00:56.935]这就是我们的开始 准备就此苏醒即刻前行 [00:57.189]Are you ready? I'll be ready [00:57.189]你是否已准备好 我已经准备就绪 [00:57.688]I don't want control, I want to let go [00:57.946]我不想控制住什么 只想尽情放手去做 [00:57.946]Are you ready? I'll be ready [00:58.444]你是否已准备好 我已经准备就绪 [00:58.444]And now it's time to let them know [00:58.943]现在 是时候让他们看看了 [00:58.943]What about us! [00:59.186]看看我们会是如何 [00:59.443]What about us? [00:59.443]我们该何去何从 [00:59.942]What about all the times you said you had the answers? [01:00.184]你无数次说你已有答案了这又怎么说 [01:00.184]What about us? [01:00.695]那么我们呢 [01:00.695]What about all the broken happy ever afters? [01:00.695]所有那破碎的快乐幸福又该是如何 [01:01.194]What about us? [01:01.194]我们该何去何从 [01:01.693]What about all the plans that ended in disasters? [01:01.693]所有在灾难中落空的计划又该怎么说 [01:02.192]What about love? What about trust? [01:02.438]爱何在呢 信任何在呢 [01:02.438]What about us? [01:02.937]我们又何在呢 [01:03.191]What about us? [01:03.191]我们该何去何从 [01:03.191]What about us? [01:03.690]我们又该是如何 [01:03.936]What about us? [01:03.936]我们该何去何从 [01:04.435]What about us? [01:04.689]我们又该是如何 [01:04.689]What about us? [01:05.188]我们该何去何从 [01:05.445]What about us? [01:05.445]看我们会是如何