Mama, I'm Coming Home   Times have changed and times are strange   时光流逝   Here I come, but I ain't the same   我已不再是过去的我   Mama, I'm coming home   宝贝,我回来了   Times gone by seems to be   日月如梭   You could have been a better friend to me   你曾经是我最好的朋友   Mama, I'm coming home   宝贝,我回来了   Took me in and you drove me out   我为你倾倒   you had me hypnotized   为你意乱情迷   Lost and found and turned around   失而复得,蓦然回首   By the fire in your eyes   仅为了再看一眼,你眼中的火焰   You made me cry, you told me lies   你对我撒谎,你让我流泪   But, I can't stand to say goodbye   但是我无法忍受与你分离   Mama, I'm coming home   妈妈,我回来了   I could be right, I could be wrong   我可能是对,我也可以是错   It hurts so bad, it's been so long   这种痛苦,已过了这么长时间   Mama, I'm coming home   宝贝,我回来了   Selfish love yeah we're both alone   自私的爱啊,我们都是寂寞的人   The rIDE before a fall   在坠落之前携手   But I'm gonna take this heart of stone   但我会得到你那颗冷酷的心   I just got to have it all   并为此奋不顾身   I've seen your face a hundred times   我凝视了几百次你的容颜   Everyday we've been apart   每一天我们都在分离   I don't care about the sunshine   我不在乎明天是晴是雨   'Cause mama, mama, I'm coming home 因为宝贝,我回来了