作曲 : RordiCY 作词 : RordiCY Ah.. I Love you Ah... I Love You It's been a while since you descend the place of us 你离开我们的秘密天地已经有一阵日子了 Can't imagine the picture I live this life on my own, you 我无法想象没有你的生活是什么样 Rub a segment of sky-blue, into my world 你从天空中摘下一抹蓝色 带到我的世界 And, there will be no dream laid upon 不会有再至高无上的梦了 Yes, it stirred the ripple & rings in me 是的 它在我心底激起涟漪 Chateau on the cloud faded its borderlines 云端上的城堡都消融了它的边界 Indeed, I'm feeling something rise 的确 某种感觉从心中升起 Just from the aurora you ride on 就从你驾着极光的方向 Meanwhile, my tears drip off 莫名,我感动落泪 I love you, I love you, oh I love you 我爱你 我爱你 我多么爱你 First time it's blooming somewhat like lotus in heart 第一次就像有莲花在心中盛开 I love you, I love you, oh I love you 我爱你 我爱你 我好爱你 Swim to you coastward and never be apart 向着你的岸边游去 再也不愿分离 Orchid, Narcissus 兰花,水仙花 Petal's Curtain rolling up 落英的帘幕席卷而上 Cedrus, Succinum 雪松,松树脂 Aroma curl softly upwards 香氛的气味蒸腾弥漫 We can take little deeper 我们可以再冒险一点 To this marin under sixty feet 朝着水下的海风继续前行60尺 Until we discover this breezy charm 直到我们发现那清新的魅惑魔力 Floppy, Amorous 缠绵,爱欲在发酵 Prolongation brace this warm 午后加时酿起暖意 Then you, take me down 然后你 让我沉沦 Like a wonder spell me "Hum~" 奇迹一般的魔咒让我不禁哼鸣 Try get into each other 想要进入对方 I'm waiting for you make a promise to me 所以我在等你答应我 That we keep on giving stamina 会一直互相补充元气 I love you, I love you, oh I love you 我爱你 我爱你 我多么爱你 First time it's blooming somewhat like lotus in heart 第一次就像有莲花在心中盛开 I love you, I love you, oh I love you 我爱你 我爱你 我好爱你 Swim to you coastward and never be apart 向着你的岸边游去 再也不愿分离