When I want secret rather boom, that perfect paradise come true. We send the flower guess the name; we know but only to where that we found love so beauti and true. You take my hand and make me smile, is there a Never Say Goodbye? The flower sometimes fade and die; I know that our love wouldn't lies, just like the heaven in the sky In my dream I see your face again. In my heart you always will be near. And for you my heart ever is a glow, like the flowers that blossom in the soul. The night is young and so are we. Our love has grown just like a tree. Beneath the moon so bright above; we know that our love will last until eternity 夜来香 我为你歌唱 夜来香 我为你思量 啊...我为你歌唱 我为你思量 我爱这夜色茫茫 也爱这夜莺歌唱 更爱那花一般的梦 拥抱着夜来香 吻着夜来香 夜来香 夜来香 夜来香