清晨我站在青青的牧场 At dawn I stand in the dark green meadow 看到神鹰披着那霞光 And find coated with morning rays a sacred eagle 象一片祥云飞过蓝天 Like an auspicious cloud flying across the sky 为藏家儿女带来吉祥 To bring good fortune to the Tibetan people 黄昏我站在高高的山岗 At dusk I stand high up on the hill 盼望铁路修到我家乡 And expect to be built to my hometown a railroad 一条条巨龙翻山越岭 Like dragons crossing the mountains one after another 为雪域高原送来安康 To bring welfare to the snow-capped plateau 那是一条神奇的天路 That’s a heavenly road of wonder 把人间的温暖送到边疆 To carry the warm of the world to the border area 从此山不再高路不再漫长 Making mountains no longer high and ways no longer long 各族儿女欢聚一堂 And bringing the peoples together through laughter 黄昏我站在高高的山岗 At dusk I stand high up on the hill 看那铁路修到我家乡 And enjoy being built to my hometown a railroad 一条条巨龙翻山越岭 Like dragons crossing the mountains one after another 为雪域高原送来安康 To bring welfare to the snow-capped plateau 那是一条神奇的天路 That’s a heavenly road of wonder 带我们走进人间天堂 Leading us to the paradise on earth 青稞酒酥油茶会更加香甜 With chang and butter tea to be more fragrant and sweeter 幸福的歌声传遍四方 And happy singing to spread to everywhere