This is Mission Control Houston, we are current have good 1st stage at this point. (火箭引擎声) Flight dynamics off to software, trajectory looks good. we show one half mile on altitude this time. Houston we've have a problem. T-25 seconds and counting, and Apollo 13 is go. 25 T-20 seconds. T-20 seconds and counting. 17, guidance release. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Ignition sequence has started. 6 5 4 3 2 1 Zero. We have commited and liftoff at 2:13 0. The Saturn 5 building up to 7.6 million pounds of thrust and it is cleared the tower. 30 Houston go 30 seconds (音爆) Roll complete and we are pitching. Roger that, standby for mode 1 throttle. (音爆) Mach 1 throttle, 1 throttle command. 1 Altitude: 1.2 miles, velocity: 1500 feet per second. Houston, what's story on Engine 5? Jim, Houston. We don't have a story while inboard/outboard early, but the other Engines are go and you're go. Roger.