作曲 : 米亚嘟嘟 作词 : 米亚嘟嘟 (写给相处短短十天就夭亡的猫咪Lumi) 2008年作品 英语翻译:Craig Hall once upon a time, in the first blush of spring, a tiny snowflake fell from heaven. when this magical snowflake landed on earth she melted into the form of a white kitten. everyone who saw her was instantly charmed. even people on the other side of the world      某个早春时分 从天堂掉落一个小小的雪花球 当这神奇的雪球落到地球上时 它变成了一个雪白的猫咪 每一个见到她的人都被深深迷住 甚至在地球另一边的人们        who named her Lumi Pumpuli, who feed her milk and fish who built a little bed for her to sleep who held her in their hand, who felt happy 'cause she is purring who laughed when she looked silly such was love's design      是谁给她起名叫Lumi Pumpuli(芬兰语:雪棉花球) 是谁喂她牛奶和鱼 是谁做了小床给她睡觉 是谁捧她在手心   是谁因为她打呼噜而高兴 是谁大笑当她看上去傻傻的 真是爱的造物      But springtime snows do not last Lumi had to return to heaven. when the tiny snowflake melted, she left behind a pool of tears.      但是春天里,雪不能持久 Lumi不得不回到天堂 当这小小的雪花融化 她留给人间许多眼泪      (Lumi baby,please waiting for me in heaven mami will be there soon there's a tiny bright star in the night sky to the right of the lonesome moon      Lumi宝贝,请在天堂等着我 妈咪很快也去那里 有一颗小小的闪亮的星星在夜空 就在那孤独的月亮旁边)      Lumi, Lumi are you there somewhere? Lumi, Lumi can you come back home?      Lumi,Lumi你在哪里? Lumi,Lumi你能不能回家?        Lumi,Lumi waiting for me in heaven Lumi mami will be there soon there's a tiny bright star in the night sky shining to me like tear drops.      Lumi,Lumi在天堂等着我 妈咪很快也去那里 有一颗小小的闪亮的星星在夜空 像泪珠滚落般地对着我闪烁        who can no longer call Lumi Pumpuli, who can never touch little fish bowl? who buried a little body under a tree who won't need to clean the pawprint who can’t smile at her pictures who's open eyes saw sun turn black was such love's design?      是谁再不能呼唤Lumi pumpuli 是谁再不能触摸小鱼碗 是谁在树下把小小的身体埋葬 是谁再不需要擦去爪印 是谁不能对着她的照片微笑 是谁眼睁睁看着太阳变黑 难道这就是爱的设计?      Lumi Pumpuli on the way to heaven, will she miss everything used to be given? If there is no milk, fish, hug and kiss will you run back to mami’s dream?      Lumi Pumpuli走在回天堂的路上 她会不会想念曾被给予的一切 如果天堂没有牛奶,鱼,拥抱和亲吻 你会不会跑回妈妈的梦里?        climb my leg, purr in my lap, lay by my head,rolling by my side jump on the table,steal my fish follow me everywhere,play hide and seek such was love's design      爬上我的腿,在我的膝头打呼噜 躺在我的枕头边,在我身边滚来滚去 跳上我的桌子,偷走我的鱼 跟着我到处走,跟我玩藏猫猫 真是爱的造物