I drink and watch the zoo in motion Beautiful people devoid of emotion Sterilised, pedicured, pedigrees and mankind Thick as **** and soulless And no longer fear genocide It’s gonna end from what I reckon As I puke my guts up all over the decking Cos the square reeks of plastic action man And Poundshop Kardashians How am I supposed to change it? If I can’t see the wood for the trees? How am I supposed to change it? If I can’t see the wood for the trees? There’s an orange faced baby at the wheel of the ship Doing donuts in the carpark We watch as it all falls apart We idolise idiots Masturbate to their *** tapes We love them we hate them We want to see them fall from Grace We laugh at them disheveled On the front page of the mail Then grab ourselves a pitchfork and go in for the kill Together light vigils Eulogise them on the Internet when they top themselves When they couldn’t take it no more How am I supposed to change it? If I can’t see the wood for the trees? How am I supposed to change it? If I can’t see the wood for the trees? And how are we supposed to change it? When we can’t see the wood for the trees When we can’t see the wood for the trees If we can’t see the wood for the trees