作词 : Mustafa 作曲 : Mustafa Hideaway Am Just Pushing through 强颜欢笑 Trying To find a way 试着找一个出路 I got people That depend on me 我知道自己该去承担责任 To find a Way 去解决这一切 So I gotta push through 所以我得坚持下去 Gotta Hide the Pain 藏住所有的痛 So This Song i created Just To Hide away 所以我只是想拿这首来当我的庇护所 Yeah welcome to my hideaway (x 4) 欢迎来到我的庇护所 Its kinda crazy that i made it this Far 我没想到自己能撑这么久 Lil man yeah am 26 now 一晃26年就过去了 Lost a lot of people that I Miss Now 失去了很多我想念的人 Am trying to keep my head up 努力抬起头 aint got time to fall apart 没空崩溃 am Just trying to soldier on with a broken heart 我试着坚强的抵抗心碎 Am just trying to prove em wrong 努力的证明他们是错的 and I know its hard 我知道这是多么的累 No pity for a G 可于异类怎么会有怜悯 I dont show the scars 我试着不揭露自己的疤痕 tears running down my face When i wrote the bars 泪水和词句一起落在纸上 So fly from the gutter now I hold the Stars 从底层起飞现在我手摘星星 making music they can Feel from behind the bars 做着能让懂得人感受到的音乐 In The streets yeah the beats are so full of heart 街头的音乐充满了爱心 Its a hard-knock life dealing with the cards 这是个曹丹的生活 像是抓了一首烂牌 Am Just Pushing through 强颜欢笑 Trying To find a way 试着找一个出路 I got people That depend on me 我知道自己该去承担责任 To find a Way 去解决这一切 So I gotta push through 所以我得坚持下去 Gotta Hide the Pain 藏住所有的痛 So This Song i created Just To Hide away 所以我只是想拿这首来当我的庇护所 Yeah welcome to my hideaway (x 4) 欢迎来到我的庇护所 that I was dealt Making wealth While I move towards 我试着积累资本向钱看 A better life, set aside all the broken parts 去获得一个好的生活 把破碎的记忆仍在一边 Yeah i hustle and I put my blood in the arts 尽力去积累 把热血放在音乐里 Searching through the rubble through the Broken Shards 在破碎的碎片中找寻希望 Rapping how you feel's a forgotten Art 唱出自己的感受在说唱中似乎迷失了 Everybody so fake Whats going on 全都是假的 到底发生了什么 Still am giving em the truth letting The guitar 但我还是坚持把它依附于乐谱里 Play Away the Pain 弹走伤痛 Yo We've Come far Yo 坚持了这么久 Form We Were where 我逃离的困境 But its still dark 还是一片黑暗 Am just holding on 我仍在坚持 trying to be That lil Spark 试着做那个黑暗里的小火花 Surrounded By the Megaladons 被巨齿鲨包围的我 and I am Just a Lil Shark 只是一条小小的鲨鱼 i Aint trying to hold the Iron man 我做不到成为钢铁侠 Like Tony Stark 我也不是tony stark But Sometimes I just feel 有时候我很像 Like pushing through the guards 冲破枷锁 Shooting In the dark 在黑暗里发光 All these dogs they just bark 困难如恶犬向我咆哮 Me am kinda Different though 但我不一样 I bite 我不叫 我直接咬回去 Yeah Griffendor 格兰芬多 That is what the hat said 这是魔法帽的预言 But I Just Went with Slytherin 但我还是选择了史莱哲林 I kill I Obliterate 我反击 我反抗 Incinerate 使之烧为灰烬 Ive Been That Great 我一直都有这能力 they just never Notice 困难们以为我认怂了 Watch the whole thing Disintegrate 我会看着这一切险恶瓦解 A renegrade 一个反叛者 Am Just Pushing through 强颜欢笑 Trying To find a way 试着找一个出路 I got people That depend on me 我知道自己该去承担责任 To find a Way 去解决这一切 So I gotta push through 所以我得坚持下去 Gotta Hide the Pain 藏住所有的痛 So This Song i created Just To Hide away 所以我只是想拿这首来当我的庇护所 Yeah welcome to my hideaway (x 4)