作词 : Shunger周爽 作曲 : Shunger周爽 Till death do us apart, and it did 直到死亡将我们分离,它已将你的麦穗割去 come sudden like clouds, and it hid my sun, 厄运如同黑云,将我的阳光遮蔽 my truth heavier than imagined, a lid die-cast in lead 真实的重量超过想像,你的逝去一锤定音 on our lives we nourished 都是谎言么?那些生命的养育 and the days we cherished as kids 还有那些如婴儿般珍重的记忆?! we let them whizz on by, but when I rewind 好吧,不说这些了,可当我闭上双眼 your smile is the only thing that comes to mind 你的笑容是唯一的出现 your smile is the only thing that shines 你的笑容是唯一的光线 In your last breath you told me, that you had to go 这太痛了,你对我说,你不得不去了 'cause it pained you so, 而这耗尽了你最后的呼吸 oh I loved you so much so 哦,这太痛了 was I selfish to hold on, 我太自私了只能紧紧抱住你的身体 and cling on to your body that hosts a soul 你的灵魂曾在此寄居 that wanted to set free the eagle in a cage 而此刻他像鹰一样准备飞行 and you became eagerly what I wanted to be 多么希望我也能在此刻死去 you the person to leave, I the person 送君千里,终须一别 to see off another best friend to land's end 以土为界,阴阳错离 I watched grown men moan, and women weep 当你下沉至六尺之下 as you quietly descended six feet deep 我们静止着哭泣如同一幅画 but the spirit ascended before our wet eyes 你的灵魂却在我们的眼泪中升华 a gift from god, returned to sender 主收回了这牺牲 though I like to pretend that this never happened 可我还不愿承认,这一切的发生 I can turn around and see you laughing 幻想当我一转身会有你朝我大笑 but the fact is you could never practice 但事实上你却永远不可能 getting blind-sided and eating the wind shield 冒冒失失的吃着挡风玻璃,只剩 【可以想见Nujabes身上扎了多少玻璃碎片】 endless field of shards of glass 一地碎片 this too shall pass, but reality bites, it says not so fast 多想忘记这一切,可现实撕咬,它说前方慢行 first you must climb a calvary of shattered hopes 你先得将希望钉入受难坡的十字架 【calvary,耶律撒冷城外的山,耶稣在此受难,是当时的死囚受刑地,传说堆满犯人的头骨】 and then a mountain of prayers unheard 接着前往祈祷无听之山让你远离上帝 'till you reach that peak where you can see the dark abyss below 直到顶峰你就能看见底下的阿鼻地狱 then you let me know if you have what it takes for a leap of faith 然后你让我知道那因信仰的一跳燃烧了你的生命 I had to say, hell no, heaven yes, but not yet 地狱,不!天堂,开启! please bless a forehead, cold in a bed 在你临走前请亲吻那些病人的额头 or alone on the road with nobody to hold 或是温暖那些孤独行走 when the pouring rain is too much to bear 当倾盆大雨降落太难承受 it's a reason to live for a seed that needs care 请理解,那是一颗干枯幼苗的所有 Till death do us apart, and it did 直到死亡将我们分离,它已将你的麦穗割去 come sudden like clouds, and it hid my sun, 厄运如同黑云,将我的阳光遮蔽 my truth heavier than imagined, a lid die-cast in lead 真实的重量超过想像,你的逝去一锤定音 on our lives we nourished 都是谎言么?那些生命的养育 and the days we cherished as kids 还有那些如婴儿般珍重的记忆?! we let them whizz on by, but when I rewind 好吧,不说这些了,可当我闭上双眼 your smile is the only thing that comes to mind 你的笑容是唯一的出现 your smile is the only thing that shines 你的笑容是唯一的光线