Go on Go on go on going on 手举起来摇晃 用力快乐别偷懒 Go on go on going on 继续跳继续唱 世界末日never come 在这里 都归我管 不准再 忧郁悲观 世纪末 又怎么样 地球还在转 快来狂欢 Go on go on going on 手举起来摇晃 用力快乐别偷懒 (You've got to) Go on go on going on 继续跳继续唱 世界末日never come you were stupid' destructive' soulless' careless' murderous' malignant' belligerent' ignorant' would you believe me would you like that I like-a' or would you prove me wrong and fight back take a sunshine right from the sky and let it shine on' you'll see we're all in the same boat' look through my eyes' trying to float' so everybody grab a hold' we can make it to shore Go on go on going on 用力快乐别偷懒 (You've got to) Go on go on going on 继续跳继续唱 世界末日never come 在这里 都归我管 不准再 忧郁悲观 世纪末 又怎么样 地球还在转 快来狂欢 还要作梦 还要疯狂 还要还要 我还要玩 嘿 一起来欢唱 让整个宇宙听到 你的肺活量 喔喂 High again 今晚的快乐要让它永远Go on