作词 : M80/Keyso寿君超/MARK LEE 作曲 : M80 编曲:M80 我只想跟着感觉走,配上了最爱的节奏 让我们和快乐邂逅. tell me where are you gotta go? DJ don't stop the music DJ don't stop the music This is your party This is your party This is your party Just like your brithday I don't know what's your waiting for 跟着我dance on the floor 我只要party all nightlong 此刻就别想太多 告诉我,告诉我,你在等什么? 靠近我,靠近我,你想跳舞么? 沉鱼落雁的她是千娇百媚的烟火 Shake it shake it don't stop it Got it going on got it going on Move it move it don't stop it Dance all nightlong dance all nightlong 你刚刚问我一起跳舞吗? 如果你愿意那么我们一起尬舞吧! 你说想亲我一下我心里惊了一下 Wow! party的气氛真是融洽。 I won't stop it, man ,you know I can't stop 我的快乐至上变得无穷大 I won't stop it, man ,you know I can't stop 被氛围融化其实也没差 每一天都可以sunday 每个人都能做soulmate 从此抛开苦脸愁眉 摇摆得行云流水 Shake it shake it don't stop it Got it going on got it going on Move it move it don't stop it Dance all night long dance all night long 我只想跟着感觉走,配上了最爱的节奏 让我们和快乐邂逅. tell me where are you gotta go? DJ don't stop the music DJ don't stop the music This is your party This is your party This is your party Just like your brithday Clap your hand everybody Clap your hand clap your hand Clap your hand everybody Clap your hand clap your hands Move it move it move it Don't stop your dance Shake it shake it shake it Don't stop your dance Yo现在的所有人都跟我一起动 这party有人在怂恿有人在起哄 你的出场让我目光停留 注视你的行头 如痴如醉像杯劲酒 Woo 荷尔蒙在爆发 这感觉媲美幻想中的豪华 Woo 写下你的号码 拉着你的手跟我一起潇洒 录音:李恩胜 监棚:何大为 混音:M80 和声编写:何大为 和声演唱:何大为 母带:Sterling Sound 制作人:M80 Studio:上海清晨录音棚 出品:独壹不贰ONO