We'd never be the same. We'd never be like one. No we'd never be the same. That's why we're beautiful. You'd never be like her. You'd never be like him. No you'd never be like them. That's why i fall in love with you. I'd never be the same. I would never be like them. No I'd never be the same. That's why I'm beautiful. We'd never be the same. No we'd never be like one. Yeah We'd never be like them. That's why we're beautiful. Now I understand why you can shine Now I understand why you can smile Now can you see the truth? We would never be the same That's why we are beautiful, Very fairly beautiful Now can you see the way? We would never be the same That's why life's wonderful, Very fairly wonderful You always say That you won't be the same with others Yeah, it's beginning of your history, Very shiny history Though I know you Got a something bad I hate, It doesn't matter. It's beginning of our history, very funny history So you shine Now I understand why you can smile