作词 : DodiJackson/Paul FakeLastName 作曲 : Paul FakeLastName WORK THE ROAD Clock-in on time like a clock O’clock on the dot 我就像时钟般的准时 aim for the kill like a glock with the dot cause I ain’t done with the patois I resemble a chef with the pot 像格洛克般瞄准猎物,因为我就像拿着锅的厨师,还没完成我的任务 serve from the pot now everybody eating like Ramadan done 现在每人都像斋月日结束一样吃饭 momma done done great job conceiving Don Dada/ 而要为妈妈生了一种Don Dada 称赞 a Boss, (saucing, rocking) a little dose (of what it isn’t) to be a loser/ (duck’n isms) lollapalooza/ very different/.... 就是一个老板,(?) /Dodi带给你是怎么当一个赢家的感觉 /(躲让主义) 就是当一个lollapalooza /与众不同 Come on, welcome we come in peace be calm 来吧,欢呼吧,欢迎我们平安归来 encomium worthy but no proud peacock 我们是值得称赞但并不骄傲的孔雀 “income we go heavy” we gon become 我们收入丰厚 within a race, pace something that Dodi pickup 在跑赛Dodi有加快的能力 and life ain’t no race but the race paper chase 人生不是一场跑赛赛,而是跑赛才是我们跑这个路上为了发财 and im’a imitate the greats like a paper trace 我要像纸上的痕迹一样模仿那些伟大的人物 another trace we made throw back inception days 还有我们追怀了一下我们开始的时候发现了 compared to now progress we made make me feel dazed 与现在相比取得的成功,都让我欣喜若狂,头晕目眩 We be on the way we duck and sway 我们在这条路上躲闪摇摆 All of all the woes upon our way 所有的痛苦我们都曾体会 And somewhere on this way we gonna work the road 在这条路的某个地方,我们终将得到了 off the beats we rode and the fire we wrote.... 为我们写的歌曲的成就 I’m living life, I feel alive, I’m feel live and so I’d like to tell you that I see the light upon my life 我在生活,我感觉我活着,我感受到生命力,所以我想告诉你们,我看到了我生命中的光明 you see the signs, it’s pretty clear, don’t read it twice 你看前方的信号,如此清晰,刻苦铭心 I'm finna do it till I'm balling like I'm Stephen Curry 我一定会做到直到我能像 Stephen Curry一样百发百中 Back to basics, primary objective is to stack this paper 回归到本质,主要目标是积累 Yeah, so I think I gotta go now, you changed, I peeped it 所以我该走了,你变了,我隐约察觉到了 I heard you tried to reach me, I was on the road 我听到你试图拉住我,我就在路上 Are you with me, you ain't with me, I just gotta know 你和我在一起么,你没有和我在一起,我只要知道 There's some places that I gotta go 我还要去各种让我顺利的一些地方 Lost it, oh yeah, I felt the motions 失去了,我感受到了 Coasting, Oh yeah, man I am focussed 航海去吧,我现在专心致志 We be on the way we duck and sway 我们在这条路上躲闪摇摆 All of all the woes upon our way 所有的痛苦我们都曾体会 And somewhere on this way we gonna work the road 在这条路的某个地方,我们终将得到了 off the beats we rode and the fire we wrote.... 为我们写的歌曲的成就 I’m living life, I feel alive, I’m feel live and so I’d like to tell you that I see the light upon my life 我在生活,我感觉我活着,我感受到生命力,所以我想告诉你们,我看到了我生命中的光明 you see the signs, it’s pretty clear, don’t read it twice