I was on the moon when you were born Taking one small step And thinking it was a giant leap December 1988 Cub scouts on a battle ship It kept raining where I was standing I think I have pictures of that day Tucked away in books and shelved throughout my mind And on that very same day A baby blue boy brother is brought into this world I think they have pictures of that day On display in frames and albums of that kind I was on the moon when you were born At least I think I was You see I can't remember 'cause I think maybe I was in my room when you were born Filling books with words 'cause I had nothing to say Thirteen years after '88 I missed every baseball game But you look so handsome at funerals Or a lame holiday brunch And I wanna see how beautiful you look to me So I'll be home soon I was on the moon when you were born Trying to write for you, the perfect song Thirteen years after '88 I'm writing in a different room And still trying to balance freedom And at the same time Letting family know that I'm still alive