A.C. Newman - submarines of stockholm Stop twisting your words into shapes Shapes you can only make out when you squint Traveling with heads full of meth Our submarine pulls into Stockholm La la la la... I'll stop It was one in a series of One in a series of Highlights and holy loaves One in a series Go Forget yourself, he's somewhere else You have the luxury of b-sides (besides?) No, but I do, I got buckets full Our submarine pulls into Stockholm La la la la... I'll stop It was one in a series of One in a series of Highlights and holy loaves One in a series Go Up the third goes, down with the day Continents away we bless our ship We do what it says, kick with our legs Our submarine pulls into Stockholm La la la la... I'll stop It was one in a series of One in a series of Highlights and holy loaves One in a series Go [03:39.95 [03:44.02